Exam information-

REET, also known as Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test (RTET), is a state-level competitive exam that is conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (BSER) For 1 to 5 (REET Level 1st) and 6 to 8 (REET level 2nd) certify candidates for employment as government teachers in the Rajasthan state.

How to Apply

REET registration-cum-application is entirely an online process. Candidates can fill up the REET application form 2022 by following the given steps.

  • Visit the official website of REET 2022
  • Click on the online application link
  • Click on ’Register & Generate Fee Challan For REET 2022
  • Enter all the necessary details
  • After completion of registration, note down your username and password
  • Fill out the REET application form 2022
  • Pay the REET application fee
  • Submit and take a printout of the application form for future references

REET Application Fee 2022

PaperApplication Fee (in INR)
REET Level 1 or Level 2550/-
REET 2021 Level 2 ApplicantsNo Fee
Reet Level 1 & Level 2 New Applicants750/-

Candidates appearing for both papers need to pay accordingly, as mentioned above.

REET Educational Qualification for classes 1-5 (Level-I)

  • Senior Secondary or equivalent to 50% marks and passed or appearing in the final year of 2nd-year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known) OR
  • Senior Secondary or equivalent to 50% marks and passed or appearing in the final year of 4th year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed). OR
  • Senior Secondary or equivalent to 50% marks and passed or appearing in the final year of 2nd-year Diploma in Education (Special Education)* OR
  • Graduation and passed or appearing in the final year of two-year Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed) (by whatever name known)

Note: According to NCTE, B.Ed candidates are not eligible for REET Level-I

Age Limit-

The minimum age is 18 years with age relaxation for the candidates from the reserved category

General40 years
SC/ST/OBCRelaxation of 10 years
Male EWSRelaxation of 5 years
Female EWSRelaxation of 10 years

Syllabus- I to V (150 Question/150 Marks)

Time- ( 02:30 min )

Sr. No.SubjectsNo. of QuestionNo. of Marks
1Child Development & Pedagogy3030
5Environmental Science3030

Syllabus- VI to VIII (150 Question/150 Marks)

Time- ( 02:30 min )

Sr. No.SubjectsSubjectsSubjects SubjectsNo. of Marks
1Child Development & Pedagogy3030
4Mathematics & Science (For Maths & Science Teacher)/6060
Social Science for Social Science Teachers.6060

Qualifying marks percentage

CategoryQualifying marks
STNon-TSP – 55%
TSP – 36%
Sahariya Janjati36%

Note- other state student qualifying marks as a general/unreserved category.

Type of QuestionMCQ
MarkingNo Negative Marking
LanguagesBilingual (Hindi&Englh)
Mode of ExaminationOffline

REET Certificate Validity-

REET Certificate Validity Now will be valid for a lifetime.
REET Eligibility Examination for Teachers is not a job exam but a job conducting this exam.


After qualifying for this exam you will eligible for the reet final exam for the primary Level-I & Level-II. You beat the final exam then you became a government teacher.

5 days later
NafeesAhmad changed the title to REET- Information Bulletin .
8 days later

Good news all reet aspirents. The REET 2022 exam will be conducted on 23rd and 24th July 2022.