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Event Description
National Sugar Institute invites applications for the following post via direct recruitment:
Post Name: Tractor Mechanic-cum-Driver
Essential Qualification:
(i) 12th Standard pass with Tractor Mechanic Trade Certificate from Industrial Training Institute or Government Institute.
(ii) Ability to take up independent charge of repair, overhaul or heavy tractors, trucks and Motor vehicles.
(iii) Should possess proper license for driving Tractor and vehicles.
Essential Work Experience: At least two years experience in overhauling and general maintenance of Tractor and vehicles, both Diesel and Petrol driven.
Address to send the application: Candidate must fill in the application form and send it to Director National Sugar Institute Kalyanpur Kanpur (UP) 208017
For more details related to eligibility criteria, fee, pattern, annexures, place of posting etc. refer to the attachments below.