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Event Description
Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India invites applications for the following post(s) via direct recruitment:
Post Name: Assistant Audit Officer and Divisional Accountant
Essential Qualification: Bachelors degree in Commerce or desirable qualification [Masters in Commerce / Master in Business Studies/ Masters in Business Administration finance)/ Masters in Business Economics/ Chartered Accountant /Cost and Management Accountant/ Company Secretary] will preferably be allocated to Commercial Stream based on Administrative requirement and subject to availability of vacancy.
Address to send the application: Candidate must fill in the application form and send it to the Shri Nilesh Patil, Assistant Comptroller and Auditor General (N)-I, Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, 9, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Marg, New Delhi -110124.
For more details related to eligibility criteria, fee, pattern, annexures, place of posting etc. refer to the attachments below.