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Event Description
Aligarh Muslim University invites applications for the following posts via direct recruitment:
Post Name: Post Graduate Teacher
Essential Qualification:
Two years Integrated Post Graduate M.Sc. Course of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject; OR
Master Degree from a recognized University with at least 50% marks in aggregate in the following subjects;
PGT (English) - English/ English Language Teaching (ELT)
PGT (Hindi) - Hindi or Sanskrit with Hindi as one of the subjects at Graduate level.
PGT (Sociology) - Sociology
PGT (Theology - Sunni) - Theology (Sunni)
B.Ed. or Equivalent Degree from recognized University OR
A permanent teacher working in any AMU managed School not having B.Ed. or equivalent Degree from recognized University may be considered for the post. Such a candidate if selected has to complete B.Ed. degree within three years from the date of selection/ joining.
Proficiency in teaching in English, Hindi and Urdu medium.
For the purpose of promotion of eligible TGTs in AMU Schools having at least three years of regular service as TGT with Masters Degree in that subject/ combination.
Post Name: Trained Graduate Teacher
Essential Qualification:
Four years Integrated Degree Course of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject with atleast 50% marks in aggregate. OR
Bachelors Degree with at least 50% marks in the concerned subject or combination of subject and in aggregate. The elective subjects and languagesin the combination of subjects are as follows;
TGT (English) - English as a subject in all the three years
TGT (Hindi) - Hindi as a subject in all the three years
TGT (Muslim Theology) - Bachelor Degree in Theology (Sunni/Shia)
TGT (Science) - Physics, Botany, Zoology and Chemistry
TGT (Life Science) - Designated as TGT (Science)
TGT (Social Science) - Any two of the following: History, Geography, Economics and Political Science of which one must be either History or Geography.
Pass in the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET), conducted by CBSE in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE for the purpose. OR
Teacher Eligibility Test conducted by various states such as UPTET. OR
B.Ed. degree or equivalent from a recognized University.
Proficiency in teaching in English, Hindi and Urdu languages.
Post Name: Primary Teacher
Essential Qualification:
Senior Secondary School Certificate with 50% marks or Intermediate with 50% marks or its equivalent.
Pass in the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) conducted by the CBSE in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE for the purpose. OR
Teacher Eligibility Test conducted by various states such as UPTET. OR
B.Ed. or BTC or equivalent degree from the recognized University.
Competence to teach through Hindi, Urdu, English media.
Address to send the application: Candidate must fill in the application form and send it to the Director, Directorate of School Education, AMU, Medical Road, Aligarh-202002.
For more details related to eligibility criteria, fee, pattern, annexures, place of posting etc. refer to the attachments below.
Added Fields
- Interview : Yes
- Application Fee : Yes
- Last date : 08/06/2022
- Last date : 15/06/2022
- Age Limit : 18 - 40
- Recruitment Type : Direct Recruitment
- Recruitment Type : Examination
- Advertisement Number : 234/DSE
- Start Date : 20/05/2022
- Vacancy : 7
- Website : https://www.amu.ac.in/
- Organisation Type : Educational Institution
- Place of Posting/Admission : Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India
- Post Type : Contractual
- Post Name : Post Graduate Teacher
- Post Name : Trained Graduate Teacher
- Post Name : Primary Teacher
- Educational Qualification : Graduation
- Educational Qualification : Postgraduation
- Field/Area/Subject : Sociology
- Field/Area/Subject : Hindi
- Field/Area/Subject : English
- Field/Area/Subject : Theology
- Field/Area/Subject : Science
- Field/Area/Subject : Life Science
- Age Relaxation Type : SC/ST Categories
- Age Relaxation Type : Other Backward Classes
- Age Relaxation Type : Person With Benchmark Disability
- Age Relaxation Type : Government Servant/Departmental Candidate
- Age Relaxation Type : Ex-Servicemen
- Pay Matrix : Level 8, Grade Pay 4800
- Pay Matrix : Level 7, Grade Pay 4600
- Pay Matrix : Level 6, Grade Pay 4200
- Application mode : Online
- Application mode : Offline