UPPSC is going to conduct Combined State/Upper Subordinate Services(UP-PCS 2022) pre exam tomorrow(12th June)


UPPSC(Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission) is the apex body for government recruitments in Uttar Pradesh. The apex exam conducted by UPPSC is Combined State/Upper subordinate services which is also known as UP-PCS(Uttar Pradesh Provincial civil Services). Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission office is located in Prayagraj. This exam provides the premier opportunity for those who want to serve in Uttar Pradesh only and want to contribute to the development of the state.

Services under UP-PCS(Provincial Civil Services)

This exam is conducted to fill the vacancies of multiple departments. As mentioned, this is the apex exam conducted by UPPSC, hence it offers more responsibility on the shoulders of respective officers. In some of the services, these officers work under the officers recruited by Central Govt i.e., UPSC. Some of the most reputed services of UPPSC PCS are-

  1. SDM
  2. DSP
  3. ARTO
  4. Assistant conservator of Forest
  5. Range Forest Officer
  6. Assistant Labour Commissioner
  7. District Programme Officer
  8. Labour Enforcement Officer
  9. Statistical officer
  10. Food safety officer etc.

Exam Pattern and Syllabus

Combined State/Upper Subordinate Services exam pattern is divided into 3 stages-

  1. Preliminary examination
  2. Mains examination
  3. Interview

For the year 2022, the Preliminary exam of UPPSC is going to be conducted tomorrow.
Preliminary examination consists of 2 Papers-

  1. General Studies Paper I
  2. General Studies Paper II (Aptitude test)

General Studies Paper I tests the overall knowledge of students and the cut off marks to appear in the mains examination is decided by General Studies Paper I only. Subjects to prepare for General Studies Paper I are-

  1. History(Ancient, Medieval, Modern)
  2. Geography(India and world)
  3. Political Science
  4. Economics
  5. Environment and Ecology
  6. Current Affairs(National and international events)
  7. Art and Culture

General Studies Paper II tests the aptitude of students. This paper is of qualifying nature only. Marks scored in this Paper are not going to decide the cut off marks. Questions asked in this paper is mostly from-

  1. Reasoning (Logical and Analytical)
  2. Comprehension
  3. Hindi Language and Grammar
  4. Basic Numeracy
  5. Quantitative aptitude
  6. English Grammar

Mains and Interview

UPPSC has changed its exam pattern similar to UPSC since 3 years ago. After qualifying preliminary examinations, aspirants are required to fill the form for mains specifying their language(medium) of writing answers and optional subject.
Mains examinations is divided among 9 papers

  1. Essay
  2. General Studies Paper I
  3. General Studies Paper II
  4. General Studies Paper III
  5. General Studies Paper IV
  6. Optional Paper I
  7. Optional Paper II
  8. Qualifying Paper I (English)
  9. Qualifying Paper II (Language Chosen)

After the release of result for Mains examination, approximate numbers of students called for Interview are 3 times the vacancy. Aspirants need to travel to Prayagraj to appear for Interview at Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission office.