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Event Description
ICMR Vector Control Research Centre invites applications for the following post(s) via direct recruitment:
Post Name: Project Technical Officer
Essential Qualification: Graduates in Microbiology/Bio-Technology/Medical Laboratory Technology / Zoology from a recognized university, Masters degree in Microbiology/ Bio-Technology/ Medical Laboratory Technology/Zoology
Essential Work Experience: 3 years of work experience from a recognized institution.
Post Name: Field Worker
Essential Qualification:
12th Standard pass in science subjects with any one of the following
(i) Two years Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology or (ii) One-year Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology + one year experience in a recognized organization or
(iii) Two years field in Government recognized organization B.Sc degree shall be treated as 03 years experience
Address to send the application: Candidate must fill in the application form and send it to The Director, ICMR-Vector Control, Research Centre, Medical Complex, Indira Nagar, Puducherry 605 006
For more details related to eligibility criteria, fee, pattern, annexures, place of posting etc. refer to the attachments below