We all wish there were more hours in the day at times but since we’re stuck with the 24 we’ve been given, it pays to make the very best use of them that we can.
Mastering the art of time management results in many benefits: among them, less stress, friction, and wasted time, greater achievements, and increased opportunities.Time is our most valuable resource and we have some tips to ensure you make the most of it.
To help you to achieve this, we’ve broken it down in following categories:
Manage And Segregate your Workload
Successful People know where they’re going. It’s important to set yourself regular short-term and long-term goals; list and pin them up or have them prominently displayed. And keep a track on what you have achieved and what’s yet to achieve.
And in today’s era of technology you can also use an app or a conventional planner to organise your works, write a ‘to-do’ list, categorising tasks that can be done today, tomorrow, next week, etc.Check in on your to-do list on regular intervals but don’t stress about the amount you have to get through.
Well Begun is Half Done
Getting a good start can eliminate your desire to procrastinate. A productive morning can change your mindset and inspire you to achieve more throughout the day.Then try to turn your key tasks into habits. Spreading your workload across a few days allows you to get into a routine and develop positive habits. For example- Instead of doing 500 pages in a single day try to do 50-100 pages daily, this makes the task seem less daunting.
Eliminate Distractions
Planning is easy, execution is the tricky part! Treat your study plan like a personal bible and push yourself to stick to it. Allocate an adequate amount of time for each task and notify yourself when it’s time to start or finish.Sometimes we get carried away with the amount of downtime we have between tasks. Spending too much time on the phone or watching television can distract you from your study schedule, so make sure you’re alert and focused when it’s time to get back to work.
Maintain the Balance
Work-life balance is the state of equilibrium where a person equally prioritises the demands of one’s career and the demands of one’s personal life. Often, work takes precedence over everything else in our lives. Our desire to succeed professionally can push us to set aside our own well-being. Creating a harmonious work-life balance or work-life integration is critical, though, to improve not only our physical, emotional and mental well-being, but it’s also important for our career.
Here are some ways to create a better work-life balance
Sometimes it’s hard to switch on when you haven’t switched off! Sleep deprivation goes hand in hand with stress and a lack of productivity. Getting seven to eight hours of rest a night as often as possible can help you perform at your optimum best. It’s also recommended that you avoid screen time 30 minutes before bed.
Take at least 30 minutes every day to clear your mind by doing activities such as yoga, meditation, reading or even just resting.As with many thoughts running through your mind on a daily basis, carving out some ‘you’ time can help improve your focus and can assist you in working more effectively.
There is no better feeling than signing off for the weekend and winding down or catching up with friends. However, taking one or two hours out of your weekend to organise for the week ahead can dramatically reduce your workload. Remember, a little sacrifice can go a long way!