The Subordinate Audit/Account Services (SAS) Examination is a departmental examination conducted for the post of Assistant Audit/Accounts Officer (Group-B, Gazetted Officer). The SAS Examination is to be conducted twice in a year w.e.f. 2021:- Examination-l and Examination-2. The cut-off dates for determining the eligibility of the officials for SAS/RA/I/CPD Examinations will be Ist March for Examination-l and lst September for Examination-2 of the year, unless otherwise notified by the competent authority in a particular year.
The SAS examination is conducted as follows:
- Preliminary Examination conducted by the respective field offices (not necessary in the case of qualified Divisional Accountants who have passed the Divisional Accountants Grade Examination).
- Main Examination conducted by the Headquarters office in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode.
Eligibility criteria for appearing in the SAS examination:
Only persons who have put in minimum of 3 years (presently 2 years) continuous service in one or more of the following capacities in a particular field office of IA&AD and who had successfully completed their probation period are eligible to appear for the examination:
- As a Clerk (Pay Level 2)/ Accountant (Pay Level 5)/ Sr. Accountant (Pay Level 6) in an Accounts Office.
- As a Clerk (Pay Level 2)/ Auditor (Pay Level 5)/ Sr. Auditor (Pay Level 6) in an Audit Office.
- As a Data Entry Operator Grade ‘A’ (Pay Level 4) in an Accounts Office/ Audit Office.
- As a Data Entry Operator Grade ‘B’ (Pay Level 5) in an Accounts Office/ Audit Office.
- As a Data Entry Operator Grade ‘D’ (Pay Level 6) in an Accounts Office/ Audit Office.
- As a Stenographer Grade-II (Pay Level 4) in an Accounts Office/ Audit Office.
- As a Stenographer Grade-I (Pay Level 6) in an Accounts Office/ Audit Office.
- As a Private Secretary (PS) (Pay Level 7) in an Accounts Office/ Audit Office.
- As a Divisional Accountant (Pay Level 6) and Divisional Accounts Officer Grade II (Pay Level 7) under the administrative control of a Principal Accountant General/Accountant General(A&E).
- As a Junior Translator (Pay Level 6) in an Accounts Office/ Audit Office.
- As a Senior Translator (Pay Level 7) in an Accounts Office/ Audit Office.
- As a Supervisor (Pay Level 8) in an Accounts Office/ Audit Office.