As we know that SSC has changed the Patten of Tier 2 exam for SSC CGL 2022. So here I have shared my preparation strategy in a nutshell for all the subjects of Tier 2 paper.


This will Play a big role for SSC CGL TIER 2 paper because the weightage of this section has been increased this year CGL 2022. English will be asked 135 marks out of 390 (Total marks for final merit) in this exam now so I have shared a strategy in a sequence according to the topic weightage given below -

  • Reading for Comprehensive section
  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary


This subject has a 90 marks weightage out of 390 , So now this subject practice should be on basic Level and the time of mathematics should be given to the more weightage subject than it. I have shared a strategy in a sequence according to the topic weightage given below-

  • Clear all basic concepts of Arithmetic and Advance maths
  • Practice and Revision of all the topics
  • Give topic wise quizzes


This subject has same weightage as quantitative aptitude of 90 marks . This is very easy subject but for one who practice a lot of this subject so here the strategy for this subject given below in a weightage sequence-

  • Clear all the topic from online or offline source
  • Practice for all the topic at a same time when you clear concept
  • Give daily mix topic quizzes


This subject has been introduced first time in CGL mains exam so it will also Play a big role to decide what post you will get after final selection so we can’t ignore this subject this year. This subject has 75 marks weightage out of 390 marks. Here some strategy in a sequence given below according to it’s weightage -

  • Prepare all static GS and make notes as well as
  • Prepare daily current affairs and make notes
  • Give quizzes topic wise and revise more and more


This subject is completely qualifying in nature so we have to get only 30%(18 marks) of total marks (60 marks) for Unreserved. This subject marks will not be added for final merit.

  • Prepare all topic as per given computer syllabus
  • Make notes and attempt topic wise quizzes

So, here I have shared a strategy for newly introduced pattern, but in last I will say that keep minimum resources and multiple revisions is key to success & Give a lot of Mock Test of Previous Year paper.
Friends share your strategy plan so that we can improve our preparation together.

a year later