Changes in SSC GD Exam Pattern - Total Marks and Number of Questions and Negative Marking.

  • The section-wise number of questions have reduced from 25 to 20.

  • The total number of questions have been reduced from 100 to 80.

  • As compared to earlier weightage of each questions, the weightage is now increased up 2 marks for each question from 1.

  • The Duration of the SSC GD Constable CBE has been reduced to 1 Hour (i.e. 60 minutes) from 1.5 Hrs (i.e. 90 minutes).

  • So, the grand total marks has been increased to 160 marks.

  • As in earlier examinations, the weightage of negative marking remains same i.e. 1\4th of marks of each question for each wrong answer.

  • There will be negative marking of 0.50 marks for each wrong answer instead of 0.25 as earlier.

  • SSC clarifies in his Official Notification of SSC GD Constable 2022 vacancy for no provision for re-checking of the scores obtained in CBT examination.

SSC GD Constable New Exam Pattern

  • The duration of Examination for SSC GD Constable CBT Examination will be 60 minutes.

  • Exam will be conducted in 4 different sections with 80 questions in total.

  • There will be negative marking of 0.50 marks for each wrong answer.

  • Exam will be conducted in two languages English and Hindi.

  • The Computer Based Examination (CBE) will consist of objective type questions, each of 2 marks.

The New Exam Pattern is as follows:

PartSubjectNumber of QuestionsMaximum Marks
Part AGeneral Intelligence and Reasoning2040
Part BGeneral Knowledge and General Awareness2040
Part CElementary Mathematics2040
Part DEnglish/Hindi2040

SSC GD Constable 2022 : Official Notification

a year later