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Event Description
Indian Institute of Technology Dhanbad invites applications for the following posts via direct recruitment:
Post Name: Senior Physical Education and Sports Officer
Essential Qualification: A Ph.D. in Physical Education or Physical Education and Sports or Sports Science. Candidates from outside the university system, in addition, shall also possess at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) at the Master‘s Degree level by the university Concerned.
Essential Work Experience:
Eight years experience as University Assistant DPES/College DPES.
Evidence of organizing competitions and conducting coaching camps of at least two weeks duration.
Evidence of having produced good performance of teams/athletes for competitions like state/national/inter-university/combined university, etc.
Passed the physical fitness test in accordance with the UGC Regulations.
An Olympic games/ world cup/ world Championship medal winner who has a degree at least at the Post-Graduation level.
Post Name: Physical Education and Sports Officer
Essential Qualification:
A Master‘s Degree in Physical Education and Sports or Physical Education or Sports Science with 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point-scale, wherever the grading system is followed)
Record of having represented the university / college at the inter-university /intercollegiate competitions or the State and/ or national championships.
Besides fulfilling the above qualifications, the candidate must have cleared the National Eligibility Test (NET), conducted by the UGC or CSIR, or a similar test accredited by the UGC, like SLET/SET, or who are or have been awarded a Ph.D. Degree in Physical Education or Physical Education and Sports or Sports Science, in accordance with the University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of M.Phil./Ph.D. Degree) Regulations, 2009 or 2016 and their amendments from time to time, as the case may be:
Provided that, candidates registered for the Ph.D. degree prior to July 11, 2009, shall be governed by the provisions of the then existing Ordinances/ Bye-laws/Regulations of the Institutions awarding the degree and such Ph.D. degree holders shall be exempted from the requirement of NET/SLET/SET for recruitment and appointment of Assistant Professor or equivalent positions in Universities/Colleges / Institutions, subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions:-
The Ph.D. degree of the candidate has been awarded in regular mode;
The Ph.D. thesis has been evaluated by at least two external examiners;
Open Ph.D. viva voce of the candidate has been conducted;
The candidate has published two research papers from his/her Ph.D. work out of which at least one is in a refereed journal;
The candidate has presented at least two research papers in conference/seminar, based on his/her Ph.D work.
An Asian game or commonwealth games medal winner who has a degree at least at Post-Graduation level.
For more details related to eligibility criteria, fee, pattern, annexure, place of posting etc. refer to the attachments below.
Added Fields
- Pay Matrix : Level 10, Grade Pay 5400
- Pay Matrix : Level 12, Grade Pay 7600
- Salary : 102501
- Salary : 139956
- Recruitment Type : Direct Recruitment
- Post Name : Senior Physical Education and Sports Officer
- Post Name : Physical Education and Sports Officer
- Start Date : 14/02/2023
- Last date : 30/03/2023
- Place of Posting/Admission : Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India
- Age Limit : 18 - 50
- Age Relaxation Type : SC/ST Categories
- Age Relaxation Type : Ex-Servicemen
- Age Relaxation Type : Person With Benchmark Disability
- Age Relaxation Type : Other Backward Classes
- Educational Qualification : Doctorate
- Educational Qualification : Postgraduation
- Application mode : Online
- Application Fee : Yes
- Application Link : https://nfr.iitism.ac.in/index.php/recruitment/User_login
- Vacancy : 3
- Work Experience : Yes
- Advertisement Number : 411002/3/2023-NFR
- Organisation Type : Educational Institution
- Website : https://www.iitism.ac.in/
- Group : Group A
- Physical Test : Yes