Thanks for the help sir
Mistake in filling form of RRB PO / IBPS / SBI / Banking
a year later
sir Iam recently fill rrb po application i did the mistake in form filling my father name is i given space but 10th class certificate there is no space , is there any problem in certificates verification process, please replay me sir
SakshiMishra changed the title to Mistake in filling form of RRB PO / IBPS / SBI / Banking .
1 post was split from What If I Made a Mistake while Filling a Form SSC.
SakshiMishra changed the title to Mistake in fathers name in IBPS form .
Merged 3 posts from Mistake in fathers name in IBPS form.
2 posts were split from What If I Made a Mistake while Filling a Form SSC.
Merged 3 posts from asd.
Hi Karthik ,
If their is no error in letters and only space then you should not worry but to be on safer side please do carry an affidavit at the time of document verification .
SakshiMishra added the Indian exams for jobsNational Level ExamsSBI PO PublishIBPS POIBPS RRB Officer Scale II tags and removed the EPF tags .
a year later
Sir, I have filled my father name wrong in Ibps rrb po application as Sai Sri
but my father name in 10th Certificate is Vishnumurthy is there any problem in Interview