UFM stands for UnFair Means.
According to the SSC UFM rule, any kind of personal information/real or imaginary names/addresses or any clue that leads to any candidate in the answer sheet is not allowed. Candidates using this type of information will come under UFM and will be awarded 0 marks or be disqualified. Revealing identity is strictly prohibited.
The various UFM rules that can lead to disqualification in the exam are as follows:-
If a candidate does not stick to the format of the letter and mentions the address of the receiver in case of an informal letter or adding irrelevant personal information to the letter, in that case, the candidate will be awarded zero marks.
If a candidate writes his/her name anywhere on the answer sheet or by mistake you sign at the invigilator’s column, then, in that case, his/her answer sheet will not be evaluated and will be awarded zero marks.
The candidate cannot write any real or imaginary phone number, address in the copy.
Some people put stray marks or even do rough work on the backside of the response sheet. Such stuff is strictly prohibited and can even result in the loss of marks. This also comes under the UFM category and hence must be avoided.
Writing unnecessary information other than mentioned in the paper will lead to zero marks. For example, if there is an address is given like Ravi, a resident of Noida. If the candidate writes Ravi Kumar, House No 56, Sector 18, Noida then it will be considered an unfair means and he/she will get zero in the paper.
Not filling the important things such as Roll no., sign, left thumb impression also comes under UFM.