Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences, Nainital | ARIES | Astronomy and Astrophysics, and Atmospheric Physics. |
Bose Institute, Kolkata | Bose Institute | Atmospheric sciences, Biophysics, Complex systems and networks, Condensed matter physics and materials science, High energy physics and astroparticle physics, Quantum physics and quantum information, Nuclear and radiation physics |
Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai | HBNI | |
Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad | HRI | Theoretical Physics, Astrophysics |
International centre for theoretical sciences (TIFR), Bangalore | ICTS | Astrophysical Relativity, Data Assimilation and Dynamical Systems, Statistical Physics and Turbulence, and String theory and Quantum Gravity. |
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam | IGCAR | Solid State Phase transformations, Superconductivity, Structure and dynamics of soft condensed matter, Band structure studies, Accelerators based Irradiation induced phenomena, Low-dimensional systems, Physics of interfaces, Nano-materials, Thin films technology and Theoretical physics |
Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore | IIA | Astronomy and Astrophysics, Astronomical Instrumentation, Optics, and Atomic Physics. |
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | IISc | Condensed Matter Physics (Experiments and Theory), Astronomy and Astrophysics (Theoretical), Atomic and Optical Physics (Experimental), Biocrystallography and Bio-informatics, and High Energy Physics (Theoretical). |
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal | IISER BHOPAL | Condensed Matter Physics (Theory and Experiment), Soft Matter Physics (Theory), Biophysics, Laser Plasma Interactions, Ultrafast Physics (Experiment), Astrophysics and Cosmology, High Energy Physics (Theory, Phenomenology and Experiment), Non-linear Optics |
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Berhampur | IISER BERHAMPUR | Condensed matter physics (Theory and Experiment), Electronic Materials & Devices, High energy physics (Theory, Phenomenology,Experiment), Nuclear Structure, Photonics, Quantum Theory,Quantum Information |
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata | IISER KOLKATA | Condensed Matter Physics, Field Theory, Classical & Quantum Gravity, Cosmology, Solar Science, High Energy Physics, Non-linear dynamics, Statistical Physics, Soft Matter, Optics & Spectroscopy, Atomic physics, Biophotonics, Spintronics, Nanoscience, NMR, Quantum Information |
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali | IISER MOHALI | Quantum Information (Experiment and Theory), Complex systems & Networks, Theoretical Astrophysics & Cosmology, Particle Physics and Field Theory, Statistical physics, Quantum thermodynamics, Condensed Matter (Theory and Experiment), NMR-Methodology, Ultra-fast Physics, low temperature physics. |
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune | IISER PUNE | Field Theory, Theoretical Particle Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Non-linear Dynamics, Complex Systems and Networks, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Quantum Information Processing, Radio Astrophysics, Atomic Physics and Quantum Optics, Energy Studies, Solar and Plasma Physics, Nanosciences, Scanning Probe Techniques, and Semiconductor Physics and Devices. |
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Thiruvananthapuram | IISER THIRUVANANTHAPURAM | Experimental: Magnetism, Superconductivity, Nanoscience, Photonics, Semiconductor physics, Surface sciences, Nanoscale plasmonics, Ultrafast spectroscopy, Nonlinear Optics. Theory: Cosmology, Quantum information, Statistical physics, Condensed matter, String theory & Nonlinear dynamics. |
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Tirupathi | IISER TIRUPATHI | Theoretical Astrophysics, Observational Astronomy, Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Soft Matter Physics, Nonlinear Physics, Experimental High Energy Physics, Atomic and Molecular Physics |
Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram | IIST | Astronomy and Astrophysics, Atmospheric Sciences, Applied and Adaptive Optics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Nanotechnology, Nonlinear Dynamics, Photonics, Quantum Information and Statistical Physics |
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai | IMSc | Theoretical Physics, Theoretical Computer Science, and Computational Biology |
Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar | IOP | Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar: Physics (Condensed Matter, Nuclear and High Energy Physics) and Accelerator-based Research. |
Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar | IPR | Physics (Experimental and Theoretical). |
Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune | IUCAA | Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics. |
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore | JNCASR | Experimental and Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Statistical Mechanics, and Materials Science. |
National Brain Research Centre, Manesar | NBRC | Molecular, Computaional and Systems Neuroscience. Sensory & motor systems, learning & memory, language & speech processing, functional neuroimaging: EEG, MEG, fMRI, MRS, stem cells, developmental neurobiology, neurogenetics, neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disorders, cancer signaling & glial tumor biology. |
National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, TIFR, Pune | NCRA-TIFR | Astronomy and Astrophysics. |
National Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhubaneswar | NISER | Theoretical High Energy Physics and Lattice QCD, Experimental High Energy Physics, Condensed Matter Physics (Theory and Experiment), Optics and Metamaterials. |
Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad | PRL | Theoretical Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Solar Physics, Space and Atmospheric Sciences, Planetary Science and Geo-Sciences. |
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore | RRCAT | Lasers and their Applications, Laser Plasma Interaction, Cold Atom Physics, Condensed Matter Physics (Superconductivity and Magnetism, Crystals and Thin Films), Nanomaterials and Applications, Non-linear and Ultrafast Optical Studies, Beam Physics, and Free Electron Laser. |
Raman Research Institute, Bangalore | RRI | Astronomy & Astrophysics, Light & Matter Physics, Soft Condensed Matter and Theoretical Physics. Radio & X-ray Astronomy, Signal Processing, Imaging and Instrumentation. Ultrafast phenomena, Liquid Crystals, Soft Materials & Active Systems, Physics in Biology, Classical and Quantum Gravity, Statistical Physics and Stochastic Processes. |
Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata | SINP | Condensed Matter Physics (Theory and Experiments), Nuclear Physics (Theory and Experiments), High Energy Physics (Theory and Experiments), Astroparticle Physics, Quantum Gravity, String Theory, Mathematical Physics, and Materials Science (Surface Science and Plasma Physics). |
Satyendra Nath Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata | SNBNCBS | Astrophysics and Cosmology, Chemical and Biological Physics, Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory, Mathematical Physics, Nanosciences, Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Statistical Physics, and Complex Systems. |
TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences, Hyderabad | TIFR-TCIS | Condensed Matter Physics & Materials Science of Nonequilibrium, Soft & Living matter, Fluid Dynamics, Intense Laser-matter interactions, Computational Physics, Statistical physics, NMR of Biophysical & other systems |
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai | TIFR | Astronomy and Astrophysics, Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, High Energy Physics, Nuclear and Atomic Physics, Theoretical Physics |
UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Indore | UGC-DAE CSR | Surfaces, Interfaces, Thin Films and Nanomaterials, Physics at Low Temperatures and High Magnetic Fields, X-ray, Optical and Electron Spectroscopic Studies Using Synchrotron and Laboratory Sources; Electrical, Magnetic and Thermal Properties of Condensed Matter; Condensed Matter studies using Magnetic Neutron Diffraction, Nuclear Technique Based Condensed Matter Physics-Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy, Mossbauer Spectroscopy, Experimental Nuclear Physics, Gamma Ray Spectroscopy of Nuclear High Spin States, and Nuclear Reactions. |
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata | VECC | Accelerator physics, Condensed matter physics & materials science, Nuclear physics (Experiment and Theory), Relativistic heavy ion collisions & QCD Phase transition (Experiment and Theory) |