The Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship (PMRF) scheme is aimed at attracting the talent pool of the country to doctoral (Ph.D.) programs of Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institute of Science (IISc) for carrying out research in cutting edge science and technology domains, with focus on national priorities.


1. PMRF Granting Institutions and Seat Allocation
The institutes which can offer PMRF will be:

  • all IITs

  • all IISERs

  • IISc, and

  • Central Universities/NITs offering science and/or technology degrees which appear in the list of top 25 institutes in the NIRF ranking (overall) in the previous year.

2. The applicants for the PMRF should:
The applicant should have satisfied one of the following criteria in the preceding three years from the date of submission of the application :

  • completed or be pursuing the final year of four (or five) year undergraduate or five year integrated M.Tech. or 2 year M.Sc. or five year undergraduatepostgraduate dual degree programs in Science and Technology streams from IISc/IITs/NITs/IISERSs/IIEST and centrally funded IIITs. OR

  • completed or be pursuing the final year of four (or five) year undergraduate or five year integrated M.Tech. or five year integrated M.Sc. or 2 year M.Sc. or five year undergraduate-postgraduate dual degree programs in Science and Technology streams from any other Institute/University recognized in India. OR

  • qualified GATE and be pursuing or have completed M.Tech./MS by research at one of the PMRF Granting Institutions having a minimum CGPA or CPI of 8.0 (on a 10-point scale) at the end of the first semester with a minimum of four courses.

I am in the final year of my M.Sc course and have secured 8.2 CGPA. Am I eligible for the scholarship?

    Eligible applicants are to submit an abstract online at PMRF website: https://dec2021.pmrf.in/. The requirement for a project abstract is aimed at assisting the selection committee to judge research and analytical capability of the applicant.

    • Project abstract should clearly articulate the area of the study and should display keen interest and insight on the subject chosen.

    • The Project abstract should formulate a problem for the study which would be used for assessing the applicant’s analytical and research skills.

    • The topic chosen shall be preferably in cutting-edge technology and science, with focus on national priorities.

    • The abstract should be original in applicant’s own words, provide formulation and other technical details of the problem. Evaluation of the abstracts will be an important component in the final selection of applicants for the PMRF.

    NOTE: An applicant may apply for more than one combination of broad discipline and institute. An applicant will be required to provide preferences in case the applicant wishes to apply for more than one combination of discipline and institute.

    Candidates who have secured a minimum CGPA of 8 or equivalent apart from a minimum score of 650 in the respective GATE subject are eligible for the scholarship.

    a month later
    8 months later

    12 scholars from Jamia Millia Islamia have been awarded the Prime Minister Research Fellowship (PMRF)

    According the Review Result of PMRF May 2022, 12 researchers from JMI were awarded with the Prime Minister Research Fellowship benefits under the lateral entry. Candidates who had applied for the scholarship have to check their PMRF dashboard for the results. List of PMRF Scholars are provided by the JMI University on its official website.

    Benefits for PMRF scholars

    Year 1 : Rs. 70,000
    Year 2 : Rs. 70,000
    Year 3 : Rs. 75,000
    Year 4 : Rs. 80,000
    Year 5 : Rs. 80,000

    Apart from this, each Fellow would be eligible for a research grant of Rs. 2 Lakhs per year (total of Rs 10 Lakhs for five years). The tenure of fellowship will be till the end of the 4th year of PhD for students from integrated courses and till the end of the 5th year of PhD for B.Tech. (or equivalent) students. For students selected through the lateral entry channel, the PMRF scholarship and obligations will continue only for the remainder of the student’s stay in the doctoral program. No retrospective payment will be made.