
  • Feb 25, 2022
  • Joined Jan 18, 2022
  • Standardized testing is a national debate in the last few years or say decades, and many parents feel quite concerned about their children being judged on the basis of tests which they feel is unreliable with actual learning or with successful college and career outcomes.

    The Pros and Cons of Standardized Testing:

    1. Standardized testing is a metric for learning
    2. Standardized testing helps pinpoint areas for improvement
    3. Standardized tests can help schools evaluate progress


    1. Test scores can impact confidence
    2. There’s pressure to “teach to the test”
    3. Scores don’t provide a true picture of a student’s ability

    Standardized testing is a very difficult issue today, because we do need internal and external assessments to measure student success. Assessments are useful when they’re used as data to help schools improve the quality of the teaching and learning.

    What are your views on this?

  • What are learning styles?
    Learning styles are theories that describe the preferences of the individuals for how they like to learn and how they best retain new information.

    Identifying the learning style involves understanding how one tends to learn best. This information can be used to one’s advantage when one study by using learning approaches that work well for someone, such as writing out notes, creating mind-maps, using models or reciting out loud. This can assist with in-class learning and with examination revision.

    Different learning styles
    There are many different learning style models that attempt to explain differences in learning between individuals, one of them is VARK model.

    The VARK model stands for:

    1. Visual: Visual learners learn by sight.

    2. Auditory: Auditory learners learn by hearing.

    3. Reading/Writing: Read/write learners learn by reading and writing.

    4. Kinesthetic: Kinaesthetic learners learn by touch.

    • According to my point of view, to run a school, college or an university with one and only purpose of making money is wrong. Unfortunately, there are some of the private colleges in India that take donations from students without giving them the receipts, in turn, proving to be a source of ‘black money’. These colleges act as the smokeless industries whose raw materials are parents and students. Furthermore, it is seen that the entrance exams are not conducted in a fair way due to which deserving candidates are not able to gain entry to colleges due to financial problems. It is very easy to do business in education.

      To stop all this, the governments should interfere by instituting a strict quality system of Key Performance Indicators which conserve the entity of education and also provide strong support to public education at all levels in order to give equal opportunity to all students.

      What is your opinion on this? Discuss.

      • Emotional experiences are very common in nature and they are very important and perhaps even critical in academic settings, the reason being, emotion modulates virtually every aspect of cognition. Examinations, homework, test and deadlines are all related with different emotional states that embody frustration, anxiety, and boredom. Well, even subject matter influences emotions which affect one’s ability to learn and remember.

        Emotions describe a complex set of interactions between subjective and objective variables that are mediated by neural and hormonal systems, which can (a) give rise to affective experiences of emotional valence (pleasure-displeasure) and emotional arousal (high-low activation/calming-arousing); (b) generate cognitive processes such as emotionally relevant perceptual affect, appraisals, labeling processes; © activate widespread psychological and physiological changes to the arousing conditions; and (d) motivate behavior that is often but not always expressive, goal-directed and adaptive.

        Today, the impact of emotion on learning processes is the focus of many current studies. It is well established fact that emotions influence memory retention and recall, in terms of learning, the question of emotional impacts remains questionable. There are some studies that report that positive emotions facilitate learning and contribute to academic achievement, being mediated by the levels of self-motivation and satisfaction with learning materials. On the other hand, a recent study reported that negative learning-centered state which is confusion improve learning because of an increased focus of attention on learning material that leads to higher performances on post tests and transfer tests.

        Stress which is a negative emotional state, has also been reported to facilitate both learning and memory, but depends upon intensity and duration. We can more specifically say that, mild and acute stress facilitates learning and cognitive performance, whereas excess stress or chronic stress impairs learning and is detrimental to memory performance.

        What is your take on this topic?

        • The District Primary Education Program (DPEP), launched in November 1994, was an ambitious attempt to address the challenges of litweracy in India and to provide a decisive thrust to universalise and transform the quality of primary education. The DPEP was time bound project which took place in several phases. From a 1994 pilot start in 42 districts spread over seven states (covering 11 percent of primary students), the program has been taken to scale with impressive rapidity and now reaches over 55 percent of India’s 110 million primary students. Moreover, it has had “spread effects” on fundamental aspects of primary education quality across

          Objectives of DPEP:
          The objectives of the programme are: (as per Phase I)

          1. To provide access to all children to primary education through formal primary schools or its equivalent through alternatives;
          2. To reduce overall dropouts at the primary level less than 10 percent
          3. To increase achievement levels by 25 percentage points over and above the measured baseline levels; iv) to reduce disparities of all types to less than 5 percent.

          Planning process under DPEP:

          1. The programme identified district as the unit for initiating decentralized educational planning. Selection of the unit for planning, a district is in line with the under-standing that India had arrived at as per the recommendations of various Committees.
          2. The programme attempted to alter the pattern of resource decisions from state level to local levels.
          3. The programme attempted to strengthen the planning process to make it more consultative, participatory and transparent.
          4. It tried to provide professional resource support to academic activities through new organisational arrangements like the BRCs and CRCs.
          5. It attempted to provide support to schools through providing contingency grants of Rs.2000/= to each school and Rs.500/= to every teacher annually.
          6. The planning process tried to create local level capacity both at the district and sub-district levels.
        • A team of researchers from the IIT (Indian Institute of Technology), Mandi has used hydrochar derived from orange peels as a catalyst to convert chemicals sourced from biomass into biofuel precursors. This research will help develop biomass-based fuel to overcome the socio-political instabilities associated with dwindling petroleum reserves. The findings of the research have been published in the journal ‘Green Chemistry’.

          The simplest and most low-cost catalyst that has been studied by the researchers for biomass conversion reactions is hydrochar which is typically obtained by heating the biomass waste (in this case it was orange peels) in the presence of water through hydrothermal carbonization process.

          Hydrochar when used as a catalyst for biomass conversion is attractive because it is renewable and its chemical and physical structure can be altered for better catalytic efficiencies. The researchers were able to synthesize the biofuel precursors under solventless and low temperature conditions, thus the overall cost of the process decreases and also makes it environment friendly.

          The researchers claimed that this is the first comparative study in which the three types of acid functionalization have been assessed. They also performed green metric calculations and temperature programmed desorption (TPD) studies to gain deeper insights into the catalytic activity of sulfonic, nitrate and phosphate functionalized hydrochar derived from orange peels.

        • The Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs) will introduce a skill course on artificial intelligence (AI) in schools. This course will be for students of classes 6 to 11 from the coming academic session 2020-21. Schools will teach the course for a duration of 12 hours in the entire session.

          Before starting a course, KVs will select two teachers from their school to be trained for the AI course. As many as 100 KVs have been selected for introducing AI, implying 200 teachers will be trained in the subject. First, the training will be held by trainers from the Zonal Institute of Education and Training (ZIETs). Thereafter, 198 trained teachers will be further trained by Intel representatives who will conduct online training of teachers for class 8.

          To participate, KVs will have to register with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) before June 30. The curriculum is to be on the lines of CBSE. The board had announced in April that it will launch several new courses including AI in the coming session for classes 6 to 9.

          CBSE had also introduced ‘Design-thinking’ and ‘Physical Activity Trainer as skill courses along with AI. Besides these new programmes, the Board is already offering 17 skill subjects at the secondary level and 38 skill subjects at the senior secondary level.

        • About
          This course is designed to aim at imparting a basic level IT Literacy programmed for the common man. After completing the course the incumbent should be able to use the computer for basic purposes of preparing his personal/business letters, viewing information on the internet (the web), receiving and sending mails, preparing his business presentations, preparing small databases etc. This helps the small business communities, housewives and others to maintain their small accounts using the computers and get all the benefits of Information Technology. This course is, therefore, designed to be more practical oriented.

          Skills are improved at fast rate

          1. Coming up with a job that does not require the use of a computer is difficult. Journalists use computers to search for information and edit text or video, the police force uses computers to store criminal records,
          2. While even a self-employed shoe salesman can use the computer to keep his books intact with the help of spreadsheet software.
          3. Even rudimentary knowledge of computer technology is essential to undertake everyday tasks and improve your workplace performance.

          Future Perspective

          1. Most professions use computers for a variety of reasons, but being a computer technology specialist can open opportunities for technical jobs, such as a computer programmer, technician, software development engineer, and server analyst. As modern workplaces rely heavily on computers, they need specialists to ensure nothing goes wrong with the computer devices or the network.
          2. In addition, electronic methods of communication, including multimedia websites and mass email systems, are necessary for large organizations, and employees with computer technology knowledge can set them up.
        • Reshamgupta
          Yes, the awards for various categories are:

          • The best Audio, Video, New Media /ICT/Digital Games for different categories, viz., in each of the following stages will be awarded a cash prize Rs. 40000/- along with a certificate and trophy under various categories.
          • Individual Excellence Awards: These awards will be given for excellence in any of the following talents:-Best Script, Editing, Best Voice Over, Best Camerawork, Best Set Designing, Sound recording, Animation / Graphics, Best Direction, etc. The award cash prize is Rs 5000/- along with a certificate.
          • Jury Appreciation Awards for the programmes/ individual excellence is at the discretion of the Jury.
        • Reshamgupta
          The rules and regulations to be followed in AICEAVF are:

          • Programmes made by compiling stock shots or any copyrighted graphics/images would not be eligible for competition.
          • Each programme can be entered in one category (either FL/PL/ML/SL) only, so kindly send one entry in one category only.
          • A copy of all the entries shall be retained by CIET, NCERT.
          • CIET, NCERT would have the rights to telecast/broadcast the award winning programmes and upload it on DIKSHA/OER and other websites/portals managed by NCERT.
          • A Committee of Experts will shortlist the entries from the original list of entries received.
          • All the shortlisted programmes will be judged by a common Jury (separately for the Audio, Video, New Media /ICT/Digital Games). Results declared by the Jury will be binding.
          • CIET, NCERT reserves all rights to modify the rules and dates.
        • About
          All India Children’s Educational Audio Video Festival (AICEAVF) and ICT Mela is one of the major children’s educational audio-video programme festivals of India, organised by Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET), NCERT, Delhi.

          This event is being organized to promote creative expression amongst educational media professionals, teacher educators, trainee teachers, teachers and students. Originally, it was started by CIET and State Institute of Educational Technology (SIETs) together and it has emerged as India’s major educational programme festival.

          As the best audio, video, new media and ICT programmes are showcased, discussed, recognized, appreciated and awarded, such events contribute in the longer run towards enhancing quality learning of the children. This year due to COVID-19, the festival and ICT Mela will be held online. The exact dates of the festival will be announced later.

          Eligibility & Categories
          The Audio, Video, New Media /ICT/Digital Games programme submitted to 26th AICEAVF must be suitable for children aged between 3 and 18 years of children in any of the following age groups:

          • Foundational Level (FL): 03 – 08 years ( Pre-School and Grade I- II)
          • Preparatory Level (PL): 08-11 years (Grade III-V)
          • Middle Level (ML): 11-14 years (Grade VI-VIII)
          • Secondary Level (SL): 14 – 18 years (Grade IX- XII)
        • Reshamgupta
          CG Anganwadi Supervisor Salary is: Rs.5200 – Rs.20200/- with grade pay of Rs.2400/-

        • Reshamgupta
          For Anganwadi Supervisor Selection candidate must have to qualify the Written Test + Document Verification held by Recruitment Authority.

        • About
          The Ministry of Women & Child Development Department (WCD), Chhattisgarh releases the various recruitment for Anganwadi Department time to time for the various districts of Chhatisgarh.


          Name of the organizationChhattisgarh Professional Examination Board
          Name of the postMahila Paryavekshak (Supervisor)
          Job LocationChhattisgarh
          Level of examstate level exam
          Official websitewww.vyapam,cgstate.gov.in

          Eligibility Criteria

          • Any graduate
          • 12th pass and 10 years work in the Department of Women and Child Development
        • How to do Bihar Anganwadi Beneficiary Scheme Online Registration?