2 posts were split to asd.
5 days later

Hi Raajan ,
As per my knowledge the correction window was open on 14 and 15th of June 2023 and there is no such provision after the window closes but you can still try to mail SSC regarding the mistake you have done in application form . As per the official notification a candidate applying from disabled category will not be allowed to attempt examination without medical certificate and even if you somehow manage to opt as a general candidate, you will still be disqualified in document verification phase .

7 days later
4 months later

RajeshKaushal in ssc reg form 10th pass year is filled as 2012 instead of 2013..due to typing error..and in father name there is spelling mistake…will they pass me with affidavit

    7 days later


    For some mistakes, SSC provides you with an application to be filled out at the time of verification. For some minor mistakes, they accept an affidavit, and for some other mistakes, nothing can be done. You need to contact their regional headquarters for your particular problem. It’s best if you can schedule a visit or you can call them too. I am leaving a link below that contains the contact details of all of their regional headquarters. If you find this helpful, please like this reply. Best wishes!

    Link: https://ssc.nic.in/Portal/RegionalNetwork

    4 months later

    I applied for ssc tech and filled wrong cgpa of college due to which I haven’t crossed the cutoff while in actual I am eligible for the same…. I haven’t got my dates for ssb what should I do now ?

    14 days later

    Hello sir I made mistake while filling registration number what to do? it’s showing username not found Iam so tensed sir please help??

      I have applied for ssc je this year while I edited the application form the did not notice the university name is changed i went to net centre idk when the net center owner changed it now the application edit portal is closed too , only my university name is wrong in the application what do i do ?

      Merged 2 posts from Added Old University Name in SSC JE Form.
      2 months later

      Can someone please help me, I entered wrong date of birth in the registration form, and correction window is closed. Will I be able to give the exam or how Can I correct my mistake

      Merged 1 post from Wrong Date of birth in ssc cpo form registration .
      2 months later

      Hey please help me I am just recently passed in June 2024 but I opt appearing option in graduation education option in the cgl form and correction window I forget to edit what can I do ??

      18 days later

      raajankesh5 what happen with u bro bcoz i did same mistake in cgl2024

      9716786065 pls contact me

      10 days later

      hi, anyone can pls say that …while im filling my form by mistakenly ihave chose the option visually impairement and tommorow is my exam what should i do?

      5 days later

      i mistakenly chose OBC instead of UR then i face any type of problems sir. Pls reply sir i have 17th sep exam.

      2 months later

      hi sir … i have click mistakenly in category at ssc mts ST+LW+PwD(Below 40%)
      but iam not … what can i do is there any chance for me please kindly me sir.