National School of Drama, Delhi (NSD Delhi) is one of the leading institutes for theatre training and dramatics studies. It was established in 1959 by the Sangeet Natak Akademi as one of its constituent units. It became an independent entity in 1975 and was registered as an autonomous organization under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. NSD Delhi is fully financed by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India.
For Diploma Admission:
NSD Delhi Diploma admission takes place at two levels. At the first level, candidates need to clear an NSD entrance examination, also known as a preliminary exam and at the second they have to appear in the second phase which consists of a five-day final examination workshop on the campus.
Admission offer to the institute is subject to clearing of the fitness test. Hence, candidates need to submit a medical fitness certificate at NSD Delhi at the time of the admission process.