JSSC Recruitment for the post of Junior Engineer

Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission (JSSC) has released a recruitment notification for the post of Junior Engineer (JE) in different branches. Candidates who are interested and eligible can apply online for JSSC JE recruitment before the last date to apply for the JSSC Junior Engineer position. The candidates who want to apply for this government job can read the notification and can apply for the post they want.

Name of Post - Junior Engineer(Civil)

Age limit

The category-wise minimum and maximum age are mentioned in the table below

CategoryMinimum AgeMaximum Age
UR/EWS18 years35 years
EBC and BC18 years37 years
Females18 years38 years
SC/ST18 years40 years

Education Qualification

The Educational Qualification for the required post is

  • The candidate has Regular Degree/Diploma in the Civil branch of Engineering from the recognized Institution.

  • Candidates with higher degrees can also apply for the post

Exam Pattern

There are two papers for JSSC JE that are
Paper- I consists of subjects such as General Engineering(Civil) contains 80 questions and General Knowledge consists of 40 questions. Paper- I have a duration of 2 hours.
Paper-II consists of the technical subject that is Civil engineering in this case that has a total of 120 questions with the duration of 2 hours.

    Nehasingh changed the title to JSSC Junior Engineer(Civil)- Information Bulletin .
    21 days later