

T.T.E is Travel Ticket Examiner. This is a post in Indian railway. One candidates after completion of 10th or 12th can apply for this post. There are different zone for Indian railway based on the region. The Railway Recriutment Boards of different Railway zones frequently take exams of TTE.

To become TTE you have to appear in this examination. After clearing the examination you have to clear interview and medical examination. After that you will go through a training.Then you can work as a TTE.

Exam Calendar

RRB TC Exam Events Dates
RRB TC Recruitment Notification Date To be announced
Opening of RRB TC Recruitment Registration Process To be announced
RRB ASM1ST STAGE CBT exam To be announced
Declaration of RRB TC ResultTo be announced
Online Test dates To be announced
Interview Datest To be announced
Interview ResultsTo be announced

Application Process

  • Firstly you have visit the official website https://indianrailways.gov.in/

  • After that you have to choose recruitment option given in blue bar

  • Then you have to choose the district according to your preference

  • After that you have to choose the post you are willing to apply for

  • After that you have to click on “APPLY” button

  • Next click on, “NEW REGISTRATION LINK”

  • You will find a blank form to fill up your personal details and qualification details ,

  • Then you have to pay the specific amount to submit the form

  • After the payment the form will be submitted, and you will be allotted a registration number.

RRB TC Application fees

The RRB TC fees are different based on different categories. The application fees can be paid via three means as-

  • Online Mode: Via net banking, credit card, debit card.
  • Post office Challan: From any branch State Bank
  • Challan form Bank: in computerized from any branch

Category wise application fees is mentioned below-

CategoriesExam Fees
General/OBCRs. 500/-
SC/ST/PWD/EX serviceman/Female/Transgender/Minorities/Economically backward classRs. 250/-

Eligibility criteria & Qualifications

Age LimitYou must be in the age group of 18-33years
NationalityIndian citizen Subject of bhutan or nepal Tibetan refugee who came over india before 1st jan 1962 Person of indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, and Vietnam with to permanently settle in India.
Number of AttemptsThere is no such restriction
ExperienceNot required

Age relaxations

There are some age relaxation criteria for various categories-

CategoryAge Limit Relaxation
General/ Unreserved0 years (18 to 33)
Other Backward Classes (OBC)3 years (18 to 36)
Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe5 years(18 to 38)
Ex-Servicemen candidates who have put in more than 6 months service after attestation (General)General - 33 Years + Number of years of service rendered in Defence + 3 years
OBC- 36 Years + Number of years of service rendered in Defence + 3 years
SC/ST- 38 Years + Number of years of service rendered in Defence + 3 years
Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD)General -10 years (40)
OBC- 13 years (43)
SC/ST-15 years (45)
Candidates ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989General -5 years (38)
OBC-8 years (41)
SC/ST- 10 years (43)
Candidates who are working in Quasi-Administrative offices of the Railway organization such as Railway Canteens,Co-operative Societies and InstitutesGeneral -33 Years + length of service rendered or 5 years, whichever is lower
OBC- 36 Years + length of service rendered or 5 years, whichever is lower
SC/ST-38 Years + length of service rendered or 5 years, whichever is lower
Women candidates, who are widowed, divorced or judicially separated from husband but not remarriedGeneral -35 years
OBC- 38 years
SC/ST-40 years
Candidates who are serving Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ Railway Staff, Casual Labour and Substitutes and put in a minimum of 3 years service (continuous or in broken spells)** General- 40 years
OBC- 43 years
SC/ST- 45 years

Educational Qualification

A candidate must have passed the 10+2 (class 12) exam or its equivalent degree from a recognized University.

Also, candidates possessing a Diploma in Rail Transport and Management in Rail Transport Institution are also eligible to apply

Schemes & Patterns

Exam Pattern for RRB TC

There are basically 3 stages to clear and get selection-for the examination-

STAGE2- Document verification
STAGE 3- Medical Test
STAGE 4 - Personal interview


RRB TC CBT Exam pattern

SubjectTotal No. of QuestionsMarks
General Intelligence and Reasoning1010
Technical subject3030
General Awareness1010
General Science3030

Total time duration- 90 minutes
Negative marking- 1/3rd marks will be deducted for each wrong answer given by the aspirant.

The question paper will be MCQ type

RRB TC Document verification

This is the second stage where candidates who clear the CBT examination will be called upon for document verification which will be followed by a medical examination.

There is a list of required documents that the candidate needs to carry for the verification round. The list of the documents are mentioned below-

  • Proof of date of birth and matric qualification.
  • High School/ Matriculation Examination Certificate.
  • Degree or Diploma Certificate.
  • Category Certificate.
  • Income certificate for waiving examination fee.
  • Medical certificate for persons with difficulty (PWD).
  • Minority declaration on non judicial stamp paper.
  • NOC (No Objection Certificate) from serving employees or ex-servicemen.
  • Photocopy of both the sides of Aadhaar Card
  • Gazette Notification or any Legal Document in case of formal change of name.
  • Self- Certification by the Transgender Candidates
  • J and K Domicile Certificate
  • Decree of Divorce/ Judicial Separation from the competent court of law as applicable an affidavit stating that the candidate has not re-married.
  • Non-Creamy Layer declaration by the OBC Candidates

RRB TC Minimum qualifying marks

There is a list of category wise minimum qualifying marks-

CategoryMinimum qualifying marks
Other Backward Class30%
Scheduled Caste30%
Scheduled Tribe25%

Medical Test requirement

Medical StandardGeneral FitnessVisual Activity
A-2The candidate must be Physically fit in all respects.Distant Vision: 6/6,6/9 without glasses(No Fogging Test)
Near Vision:Sn 0.6, 0.6 without or with glasses and must pass tests for colour vision, Myopic vision, Night Vision, and Binocular Vision.
A-3The candidate must be Physically fit in all respects.Distant Vision: 6/6,6/9 without or with glasses(Power of lenses should not exceed 2D)
Near Vision:Sn 0.6, 0.6 without or with glasses and must pass tests for colour vision, Myopic vision, Night Vision, and Binocular Vision.
B-2The candidate must be Physically fit in all respects.Distant Vision: 6/6,6/12 without or with glasses(Power of lenses should not exceed 4D)
Near Vision: Sn 0.6, 0.6 without or with glasses when close work is required or while reading. And must pass the test for the field of vision (Binocular Vision) etc
C-2The candidate must be Physically fit in all respects.Distant Vision: 6/12, Nill without or with glasses.
Near Vision: Sn 0.6, 0.6 without or with glasses while reading or close work is required.

Training period

After getting selected for T.T.E there will be a short training for about a month, laid by zonal railways. During the training period,they will receive stipends.

Mode of examination

The Railway TC exam is a centralised exam and conducted as an Online mode.

Language of examination

The RRB TC online examination is conducted in various languages, candidates can choose any language mentioned below-


RRB TC Syllabus

Syllabus of RRB TC will be covered in this section,you have to prepare various subjects like maths,Reasoning, general knowledge etc.

Below you can check out for the TC Stage 1syllabus -:

MathematicsGeneral Intelligence and ReasoningGeneral Awareness on Current AffairsGeneral Science upto 10th standard levelTechnical Ability
Number systemsAnalogiesKnowledge of Current affairsChemistryLevers and Simple MachinesAC Fundamental
Pipes and CisternsStatement – Arguments and AssumptionsGeneral scientific and technological developmentsPhysicsElectrical Machines
Calendar and ClockDirectionsSportsLife SciencesPower Electronics & Drives.
Age CalculationsAnalytical reasoningEnvironmental issues concerning India and the WorldEarth SciencesPower Systems.
Square RootSimilarities and DifferencesIndian Polity and constitution, Indian EconomyEnvironmental SciencesUtilization of Electrical Energy.
Elementary StatisticsConclusions and Decision MakingIndian geographyComputer & Mobile TechnologyBasic Electrical Engineering Concepts
TrigonometryClassificationculture and history of India including freedom struggleEstimation and costing
Algebra GeometryData Interpretation and SufficiencyMiscellaneous TopicsAnalog and Digital Electronics
Profit and LossVenn DiagramMagnetic Circuit
Simple and Compound InterestSyllogismNetwork Theory
Time and DistanceJumblingMeasurement as well as measuring instruments
Time and WorkMathematical operationsBasic Electronics
Ratio and ProportionAlphabetical and Number Series
LCM & HCFCoding and Decoding


The RRB TC in hand Salary ranges from Rs.3,600/- to 45,000/- depending on whether he/she is posted in a train or on the platform.

Additional Benefits and Perks

Employees who are selected for the RRB TC post get a good amount of salary with additional benefits and allowances. The benefits vary depending upon the posting of the candidate department. The additional benefits are mentioned below-

  • House Rent Allowance
  • Dearness Allowance
  • Transport Allowance
  • New Pension Scheme
  • Running Allowance
  • Railway Quarters
  • Free/Discounted railway travel for employee and dependents
  • All medical expenses of the employee and dependents

Job Responsibilities-

  • Check the ticket of the passengers travelling in the train
  • Also the authority to penalize the passengers who travel without any valid ticket.

This job involves Travelling because of which Indian railways provide Running Allowance depending on how many kilometers you have travelled .

8 months later
a year later

Can a candidate with bone tumor surgery will apply for tte.

    Tapas Yes, the candidate can apply for the TC post. At the time of the medical examination, you should be fit.

    4 months later

    Can A colour blind candidate apply for TTE ? I have low colour vision.

      Pooja ma’am I am vh candidate.Am I elegible for TTE?

        At the time of medical examination of the physically handicapped,
        namely the blind, the deaf/deaf mute and the orthopedically handicapped, ( for each of the categories 1% of
        the posts in C and D groups have been reserved), the medical officer should find out the individual’s
        suitability for the appointment against the post nominated for the handicapped persons with the instructions
        given and ensure that the proposed appointment is without much detriment to the efficiency and the
        physically handicap is not likely to hamper the work or enhance the occupational risks to the worker himself
        or to the others, especially if the post happens to be in the sheds and work shops or in station yards, along
        railway tracks and on bridges etc. Although the intention is to help such physically handicapped persons
        duly waiving the physical standards which ordinarily stand in the way of their being passed fit, it is clarified
        that no relaxation are to be made in visual standards while considering cases of physically handicapped
        persons for appointment under the deaf and orthopedically handicapped quota, excepting in the categories
        of clerks to the extent that they may be examined as per standards of C-2 though they belong to C-1. Certain
        posts should be earmarked for being filled up by only disabled persons eg., Lift man, Daftry, Office Clerks,
        Care-takers etc.

        The categorisation of physically handicapped person for the purpose of reservation in employment is as below:-

        a) The blind: The blind are those who suffer from either of the following conditions:
        1.Total absence of sight.
        2.Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (Snellen) in the better eye with correcting lenses.
        3.Limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degrees or worse.
        b) The deaf: The deaf are those in whom the sense of hearing is nonfunctional for ordinary
        purposes of life. They do not hear, understand sounds at all events with amplified speech. The
        cases included in this category will be those having hearing loss more than 60 decibels in the
        better ear (profound impairment) or total loss of hearing in both ears.

        c) The orthopedically handicapped: The orthopedically handicapped are those who have a
        physical defect or deformity which causes an interference with the normal functioning of the
        bones, muscles and joints.