About Diksha
The National Teacher Platform (NTP), often known as “Diksha,” is a project of India’s Ministry of Human Resource Development.
It’s a cutting-edge platform for Teachers in Schools, Teacher Educators in Teacher Education Institutes (TEIs), and Student Teachers in TEIs to host Open Educational Resources (OER) and tools.
It is designed to take into account the entire teacher life cycle, from the time student teachers enrol in TEIs to their retirement as educators.
Expected outcomes of this initiative
The MHRD expects the following benefits from the National Teacher Platform (NTP):
- Teachers can get individualised professional development courses at any time and from any location.
- Teachers in schools can utilise the curriculum-linked resources to prepare for class or teach in class, while Teacher Educators in TEIs can use it to conduct blended training.
- Contractual teachers and student teachers in TEIs will be allowed to take NTP courses to prepare for the TET and/or become certified.
- Cluster and Block Resource Personnel can use standardised observation tools on the NTP to provide need-based coaching support to teachers and to analyse ongoing training needs.
- The NTP infrastructure will be shared by several states, avoiding duplication of work and saving money.
- Teachers will have access to their own personalised workspace where they can plan and track their progress including courses completed, performance in tests etc.