- Edited
The Indian Economic Service along with Indian Statistical Service is the administrative interministerial civil service under Group A of the Central Civil Services of the executive branch of the Government of India. The Indian Economic Service was introduced for formulating and implementing economic policies and programmes in India. With the initiation of large-scale economic reforms in 1991 and the proliferation of the regulatory role of the government, such analysis and advice within the domain of the service have increased manifold. For Indian Statistical Service, all statistical posts of different ministries and departments were pooled together in the initial constitution of service. A combined competitive examination for recruitment to Junior Time Scale of the Services is conducted by UPSC each year. Following are the details of the Application process and Examination as per the last notification in April 2021
Important Dates
Events | Date |
Release of Official Notification | 07.04.2021 |
Last Date for Submission | 27.04.2021 till 6 P.M |
Release of Admit Card | Released on 24.06.2021 (3 weeks before Exam) |
Dates of Prelims Exam | From 16.07.2021 (3 days) |
Date of Mains Exam (for Prelims Qualified)) | 21.11.2021 (One Day) |
Declaration of Result | - |
Window for Withdrawal of Application | 04.05.2021 to 10.05.2021 |
Provision for Public Disclosure of Scores | Present( to be filled by the candidate at the time of interview) |
(A) Nationality
A candidate must be either:—
(a) a citizen of India; or
(b) a subject of Nepal; or
© a subject of Bhutan; or
(d) a Tibetan refugee*
(e) a person of Indian origin *
*** Please refer to the Official Notification for detailed information.**
(B) Minimum Educational Qualifications:
Name of Service | Essential Educational Qualification |
— | — |
Indian Economic Service | Post-Graduate Degree in Economics/Applied Economics/Business Economics/Econometrics From an Indian University or a Foreign University approved by the Central Government from time to time. |
Indian Statistical Service | Bachelor’s Degree with Statistics/Mathematical Statistics/Applied Statistics as one of the subjects or a Master’s degree in Statistics/Mathematical Statistics/Applied Statistics from a University or a Foreign University approved by the Central Government.. |
General /EWS and OBC Candidates | Rs. 200/‐ |
Female/SC/ST/PwBD candidates | Exempted |
Modes of Payment (a)Cash deposit at any SBI Branch ( next day) (b)Online Mode | Any Branch of State Bank of India (one should generate Pay-in-slip during part II of registration -Using Visa/Master/RuPay Credit/Debit Card or Internet Banking of SBI( till 6:00 P.M. of 06.2021) |
Vacancy for 2021
Vacancies in Junior Time Scale of the Services are given below
Service | Vacancies |
Indian Economic Service | 15 Vacancies |
Indian Statistical Service | 11 Vacancies |
Note: 1 vacancy has been kept reserved for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities for Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Indian Statistical Service and no vacancy has been kept reserved for the Persons with Benchmark Disabilities for IES.
Schedule of Examination
- General English & General Studies are common to both the IES and ISS exams.
- In addition, for IES, the syllabus also contains three parts of General Economics and one part of Indian Economics. On the other hand, in ISS, the syllabus contains two parts of Statistics with only objective questions and two parts of Statistics containing only descriptive questions
** Exam Pattern**
Stage | Pattern of Exam | No. of Papers | Max. Marks |
Round 1 | Written Exam | 6(for both IES and ISS) | 1000 |
Round 2 | Viva voce or Interview | - | 200 |
Difficulty Level of Exam
Paper Name | Level Required |
General English and General Studies | Graduation Level |
All other subjects | Post Graduation level |
Components of Exams common for Both Services
Paper | Component |
General English (Both IES and ISS) | Essay, Summary and Precis writing, use of Words |
GENERAL STUDIES (COMMON TO BOTH IES/ISS) | Current events, Indian polity, Indian history and Geography |
Stage-I: Written Exam
As per their eligibility, candidates will have to appear in all 6 papers of their respective discipline.
A. Indian Economic Service
Paper | Max. Marks | Duration | Day and Shift |
General English | 100 | 3hrs | Day 1 (9AM-12PM) |
General Studies | 100 | 3hrs | Day 1 (2PM to 5PM) |
General Economics-I | 200 | 3 hrs | Day 2 (9AM-12PM)) |
General Economics-II | 200 | 3 hrs | Day2 (2PM to 5PM) |
General Economics-III | 200 | 3 hrs | Day 3 (9AM-12PM) |
Indian Economics | 200 | 3 hrs | Day 3 (2PM to 5PM) |
B. Indian Statistical Service
Paper | Max. Marks | Time | Day and Shift |
General English | 100 | 3 hrs | Day 1 (9AM-12PM) |
General Studies | 200 | 3 hrs | Day 1 (2PM to 5PM) |
Statistics-I (Objective) | 200 | 2 hrs | Day 2 (9AM-12PM) |
Statistics-II (Objective) | 200 | 2 hrs | Day 2 (2PM to 5PM) |
Statistics-III (Descriptive | 200 | 3 hrs | Day 3 (9AM-12PM) |
Statistics-IV (Descriptive) | 200 | 3 hrs | Day 3 (2PM to 5PM) |
Stage 2- Interview/Viva voice of 200 marks for candidates who cleared the 1st stage
The interview is intended to supplement the written examination for testing the general and specialized knowledge and abilities of the candidate. The candidate will be expected to have taken an intelligent interest not only in his/her subjects of academic study but also in events which are happening around him/her both within and outside his/her own State or Country as well as in modern currents of thought and in new discoveries which should arouse the curiosity of well-educated youth.
For Indian Economic Service
Subject | Topics |
General English | Essay Writing Understanding of English language and vocabulary Summary or Precis Writing Passages |
General Studies | General Knowledge Current Events or Affairs Indian Polity History of India Geography |
General Economics I | Part - A:Theory of Consumer’s Demand, Theory of Production, Theory of Value, Theory of Distribution, Welfare Economics Part - B: Mathematical Methods in Economics, Statistical and Econometric Methods |
General Economics II | Economic Thought, Concept of National Income and Social Accounting, Theory of employment, Output, Inflation, Money and Finance, Financial and Capital Market, Economic Growth and Development, International Economics, Balance of Payments, Global Institutions |
General Economics III | Public Finance, Environmental Economics, Industrial Economics, State, Market, and Planning |
Indian Economics | History of Development and Planning, Federal Finance, Budgeting and Fiscal Policy, Poverty Unemployment and Human Development, Agriculture and Rural Development Strategies, India’s experience with Urbanisation and Migration, Industry, Labour, Foreign Trade, Money and Banking, Inflation |
For Indian Statistical Service
The syllabus for papers of English and General Studies will remain the same as above.
for a detailed Syllabus of rest of the Papers for ISS, please refer to Official Notification
Important Points for Candidates
The papers on General English and General Studies, common to both Indian Economic Service and Indian Statistical Service will be of the subjective type. All other papers of Indian Economic Service will be subjective type
The EWS Candidate applying for IES/ISS Exam 2021 must produce an Income and Asset Certificate for F.Y.2020-2021
If a candidate’s handwriting is not easily legible, a deduction will be made on this account, from the total marks otherwise accruing to him/her.
Candidates will be allowed the use of Scientific (Non-Programmable type) Calculators in Descriptive Type Papers at the examination. Programmable type calculators will, however, not be allowed and the use of such calculators shall tantamount to resorting to unfair means by the candidates.
The question papers in all subjects in Indian Economic Service Examination and in Indian Statistical Service Examination will be of Conventional (essay) type except in Statistics Paper I and Statistics Paper II which are Objective Type Papers. 3. ALL QUESTION PAPERS MUST BE ANSWERED IN ENGLISH; QUESTION PAPERS WILL BE SET IN ENGLISH ONLY.
The Persons with Benchmark Disabilities in the categories of blindness, locomotor disability (both arm affected – BA) and cerebral palsy will be provided the facility of scribe and no one else. The details of scribe i.e. whether own or the Commission’s and the details of scribe in case candidates are bringing their own scribe, will be sought at the time of filling up the application form online
The Persons with Benchmark Disabilities in the category of blindness, locomotor disability (both arm affected – BA) and cerebral palsy will be allowed Compensatory Time of twenty minutes per hour of the examination
Duties of an IES Officer
Role of the service can be broadly categorized in terms of economic advice, economic administration, implementation of development policy and programs, besides dealing with other areas such as economic reforms, regulation, price fixation, and monitoring and evaluation. In the rapidly globalizing environment, decision-making is increasingly guided by economic rationality.
IES officers are exposed to almost all the sectors of government functioning. These officers also provide link and continuity in policy-making, which is essential even for policy change.
Responsibilities of the officers, particularly Economic Advisers, were sought to be clearly enunciated by the Cadre Controlling Authority. The Economic Advisers are required to be closely associated with and involved in the economic reforms in the Ministry/ Department to which they are posted. They would advise the concerned Ministries/ Departments, on a continuous basis, on all policy matters having a bearing on internal and external economic management, and facilitate reforms in the fields/ sectors concerned.
The Economic Advisers would provide the Ministries/ Departments with inputs on all policy-related matters, and their economic implications. The officers could be required to monitor and evaluate the policy parameters from the economic angle laid down in the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act 2003, and assist the Ministry of Finance in preparing annual or any other periodical statement required for complying with the provisions of the said Act.
To ensure that policy pursued by individual Ministries/ Departments is consistent with the overall direction of the economic policy contained in the Union budget, Five-Year Plans, etc., the Economic Advisers posted to different Ministries/ Departments would interact with the Chief Economic Adviser in the Department of Economic Affairs, on a continuous basis, and ensure that economic implications of policy changes are comprehensively analyzed, and facilitate individual Ministries/ Departments to spearhead reforms in the direction envisaged by the Government.
Salary and Allowances
The in-hand salary of an Economic Service officer/Statistical Service officer is around INR 59,750 per month. Allowances will include
- Basic Pay
- House Rent Allowance (HRA)
- Dearness Allowance (DA)
- Transport Allowance (TA)
- Conveyance allowance
- Maternity benefits.