The Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs) will introduce a skill course on artificial intelligence (AI) in schools. This course will be for students of classes 6 to 11 from the coming academic session 2020-21. Schools will teach the course for a duration of 12 hours in the entire session.

Before starting a course, KVs will select two teachers from their school to be trained for the AI course. As many as 100 KVs have been selected for introducing AI, implying 200 teachers will be trained in the subject. First, the training will be held by trainers from the Zonal Institute of Education and Training (ZIETs). Thereafter, 198 trained teachers will be further trained by Intel representatives who will conduct online training of teachers for class 8.

To participate, KVs will have to register with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) before June 30. The curriculum is to be on the lines of CBSE. The board had announced in April that it will launch several new courses including AI in the coming session for classes 6 to 9.

CBSE had also introduced ‘Design-thinking’ and ‘Physical Activity Trainer as skill courses along with AI. Besides these new programmes, the Board is already offering 17 skill subjects at the secondary level and 38 skill subjects at the senior secondary level.

11 days later