Now a days teaching jobs have been become very attractive among students who are engage in exam preparation for government job. There are various teaching exam such as NET, SET, and TET are held at the national and state levels.
For Government teaching jobs candidates have to clear exams like the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) or the state-run Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) while candidates who aspire for lectureships and Assistant Professor positions must pass the **National Eligibility Test (NET) or the State Eligibility Test (SET).
After clearing these exams candidates become eligible for the various departmental post.
Teaching jobs have its benefits too.

7 days later
2 months later

Can anyone tell me Which course I have to choose if I want to become a Tgt in mathematics? And For which exam do I have to prepare?

    Ashish degree in Maths subject should have studied Maths in all three years of graduation with at least 50 % marks and any of two subjects i.e. Physics, Electronics, Computer Science, Statistics and Chemistry with at least 50 % marks in each subject at graduation level and at least 50 % marks in graduation. after that B.ED with minimum 50% and qualified CTET then you become a TGT Math teacher.

    Almost all teaching professions require employees to possess a degree. Preschool, high school, special education and career/technical educators need an associate to a bachelor level education to enter the field. This level of education provides the skills listed above, and, with experience in the field, may expand upon the following-

    • Leadership
    • Mentorship
    • Creative and Critical Thinking
    • Interpersonal Skills
    • Computer/Technical Skills
    • Problem Solving
    • Conflict Resolution

    With your teaching experience and education, there are plenty of career opportunities available to you. As in every wake of life, fortune favors the bold, and we mean fortune as in high-quality pay, excellent stability and well-projected job outlooks.

    teaching degree complite karne k bad aap government job to aap pa hi sakte ho iske alawa aap private schools me aachi sailry pe padha sakte ho.