If I say I have met different people who have left banking sector jobs just to join or to prepare for SSC CGL jobs.
I could not understand the logic behind it. Is there any proper reason behind it?

    To all those who consider bank PO job as less initial salary than SSC CGL or a hectic job with tough working hours, so i think this the one reason behind it.


    There is a various factor that shows why SSC CGL is more lucrative than Banking Jobs.

    One of them is the status in society. SSC CGL job has a status in society (with power in hand). There is also a Gazetted officer job in SSC CGL (Assistant Audit Officer). So, Social status-wise, the SSC CGL job is better than Bank PO.

    The second reason behind it can be the workload. The SSC job is more relaxed in comparison to a Bank PO job. The workload in SSC jobs is somehow lesser than in banking jobs. An SSC staff gets to work on different tasks such as Administrative Tasks, supervision, or any other tasks as asked by the senior official.

    The third could be the work-life balance. SSC jobs ensure an excellent work-life balance which is somehow lacking in Banking Jobs.

      i think bank po has more pressure and long working hour this post is more preferable than

      Bank PO is neither peaceful nor better than SSC CGL. People will be on you like insects in the bank and you have to work till 7 or 8 if you are a PO. But in SSC CGL you get more power and in some jobs less work and more respect than a bank PO

      8 days later