Mathematics is the most important subject for clearing any competitive exam. Most pupils regard math as a difficult subject that they would never be able to grasp. This negative attitude prevents them from concentrating on the issue and the problem they’re attempting to tackle. As a result, it is critical to plan ahead of time for the Mathematic disciplines.
I am sharing what I followed during my preparation, this may vary from person to person.

  1. The only way to succeed in the Mathematics exam is to practice; the more you practice, the better your chances of being selected.
  2. Make a comprehensive list of formulas and quick tips and post it near your study table so you can refer to it whenever you need to.
  3. Go over prior year’s question papers to get a sense of the types of questions that might be asked.
  4. Do not attempt to answer questions in a traditional manner because this is a time-consuming process.
  5. Instead of trying to cover the entire syllabus in one sitting, pick one topic and master it.
  6. Maintain a regular level of preparation. If you are devoting 2-3 hours per day, stay going and don’t slow down.

Finally, be self-assured! Only you and you alone can achieve the goal, therefore be ready to work hard and don’t underestimate your abilities. You’ve got this!

    Every competitive exam has their different difficulty level in their subjects. Practise and time managing study can succeed in any competitive exam.

    Prepare a proper list of formulas and short tricks .Practice previous year’s question papers to know the pattern of the type of questions that can be asked.

    increasing calculation speed within your mind and quick learning of formulas and better understanding of question helps you in preparation of mathematics for any competitive exam.

    HrithikRao Hi
    In my view there is a book titled “Quantitative Aptitude” by R.S. Aggarwal. Its best for preparation of multiple competitive exams.

    HrithikRao Disha publications’ Quantitative aptitude is best for beginners to practice. Also it cover the exams you mentioned.