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Always it has been a haunting side for nearly every student, something or the other keeps troubling them deep inside. The vulnerable stages that I came across in my life started when I felt at a point that it’s become my choice vs my parents’, what I think about myself and what they do. Also, its very often the parents are not really convinced with what you want to do or when you tell them about your choice or what you have decided for yourself.. I’m sure there are many students like this. I used to get frustrated when they used to say, leave it, you can’t do it. I’ve prepared for exams like CAT, U.P.S.C. and Banking. To tell you the truth, at that time I didn’t know what I was doing and where it’s going to take me. It just confused the hell out of me and I didn’t know what do I do now. My father never seemed convinced with my choices and capabilities, fortunately, my mother seemed. She also supported my decisions. And I think that helped me realize the most important thing, that what do I do now. I realized that preparing for Govt. exams is not my cup of tea and I was simply complicating myself. So, immediately I decided to get a job, no matter even it was a private job. I can see now that the decision I took was right and worthy. But one thing that hasn’t changed is, my father is still not convinced with this. But as I see, I’m giving my best to what I have pursued, and I think that’s what exactly matters.
Have you ever been through a situation similar to this?