In my personal opinion in study time we should focus only on study. All kind of distraction like social media , song , noise , family gossips must keep away form a student when he is studying.

So here we have two option first is so beneficial that is library if we live at place where any library is available near our home, hostel, pg it will better to study in library than home, pg or hostels. Since here is a lot of distraction even if you do not want these distraction.

And second option is your home if there is not availability of libraries near home. You can choose a separate room where you can study peacefully .

So I prefer library to home study but if there is availability near your home.

2 months later

If u have a special table and chairs for studying at home, then it is better to study at home. If u sit and study at your bed or regular chair , your brain will not get that much stimulated . It would be easier to fall asleep. and if you don’t have books then it would be good to go at library.

Library me aapko wo mil jayega jo generally sabke Ghar par nahi hota h Jaise wifi, newspaper, baithne ka proper space, books, peace, air ventilation etc. Is liye library best hai.

4 days later

It depends upon which place suits you and it also varies from student to student. I think library is the better option as you get the variety of books there. If a doubt comes and the solution is not present in the book you are studying. You can take reference of other books as well.