This question is very pertinent and one should really focus on this aspect when preparing for any competitive exam. Now let’s move on to the solution part.

First try to understand why this is happening to you. The reasons may be the following:

  • You Can’t Follow Your Schedule
  • You set deadlines that don’t fit
  • You use social media, get distracted and feel less confident seeing your friends enjoying life.
  • You keep thinking about what if I fail.
  • Finally, it may be due to the postponement of exams.
  • Now try to figure out which point increases your level of frustration. It can be one point or several points. After that, try to find solutions for each point.

    GauravSehgal It’s time you sit and look where are you missing the point..And frustration is okay..if you are not getting frustrated, you won’t understand how worthy or even worthless the thing you are doing is. Just include a drop of spirituality, it will help you a lot. Take frequent breaks, go out and hang out with friends..These things can charge you up.

    GauravSehgal By understanding that it’s okay to are moving towards ultimate slowly..frustration can be avoided by keeping in mind that you are becoming more mature and experienced. Just keep going..Best of luck.

    2 months later

    first of the morning walking and yoga exercise for half-hour then bath and take a proper diet then start your study hope you control your frustration approximately.

    16 days later

    During any exam, preparation hamsa need puri leni cahiye sath hi khana aur padhna time table ke hisab se karna cahiye aur padhai syllabus ke according hi kare aur bhar ghumne ka bhi time nikale aisa kane se frustration kaffi kam kiya ja sakta h.