What are learning styles?
Learning styles are theories that describe the preferences of the individuals for how they like to learn and how they best retain new information.

Identifying the learning style involves understanding how one tends to learn best. This information can be used to one’s advantage when one study by using learning approaches that work well for someone, such as writing out notes, creating mind-maps, using models or reciting out loud. This can assist with in-class learning and with examination revision.

Different learning styles
There are many different learning style models that attempt to explain differences in learning between individuals, one of them is VARK model.

The VARK model stands for:

  1. Visual: Visual learners learn by sight.

  2. Auditory: Auditory learners learn by hearing.

  3. Reading/Writing: Read/write learners learn by reading and writing.

  4. Kinesthetic: Kinaesthetic learners learn by touch.

    Ankit That depends on the kind of stuff one is learning and his preference among these options. It also depends on the physical status and abilities of the learner also.

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