Standardized testing is a national debate in the last few years or say decades, and many parents feel quite concerned about their children being judged on the basis of tests which they feel is unreliable with actual learning or with successful college and career outcomes.

The Pros and Cons of Standardized Testing:

  1. Standardized testing is a metric for learning
  2. Standardized testing helps pinpoint areas for improvement
  3. Standardized tests can help schools evaluate progress


  1. Test scores can impact confidence
  2. There’s pressure to “teach to the test”
  3. Scores don’t provide a true picture of a student’s ability

Standardized testing is a very difficult issue today, because we do need internal and external assessments to measure student success. Assessments are useful when they’re used as data to help schools improve the quality of the teaching and learning.

What are your views on this?