The West Bengal Health Recruitment Board (WBHRB) is responsible for selecting and recommending candidates for direct recruitment to posts permanent or temporary for which the appointing authority is the Government in the Department of Health & Family Welfare and authority subordinate to the Governor.

Online applications are invited from Indian citizens for recruitment to the Post of LECTURER Under WBAES under Health & Family Welfare Department, Government of West Bengal. Appointments are temporary but likely to be permanent.

Name of Post-Lecturer

Education Qualification


1. Degree in Ayurved from a University or its equivalent as recognized under the Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970 [All years’ Marksheets including Supplementary mark sheets to be attached.

2. Post Graduate qualification in the subject or specialty concerned included in the Schedule to the IMCCA,1970, as amended from time to time, from recognized universities/Institute, established by law [All years Mark sheets including Supplementary mark sheets to be attached].

3. Publications in recognized journals on the subject [ Relevant Documents to be attached ].

4. Registered either in Part ‘A’ of the State Register of Ayurvedic Medical Practitioners maintained by the Paschim Banga Ayurved Parishad or in Part-I of the Central Register maintained by the Central Council of Indian Medicine( Relevant Documents to be attached).


Doctoral in Ayurveda

Age Limit

The minimum age of the candidate should be 18 years of age and the Maximum age of the candidate will be 40 years of age.

Age Relaxation

The Age relaxation for different categories are as under

CategoryAge Relaxation
Scheduled Caste5 years
Scheduled Tribe5 years
OBC-A3 years
OBC-B3 years
PWD5 years
Persons having higher qualifications and/or longer experience than those prescribed and for the persons holding substantive appointments under Govt.1 year

Application Fees

The Application Fees for different categories are mentioned below

CategoryApplications Fees
GeneralRs. 210/-
OBCRs. 210/-
SC/ST Category0/-
persons with disabilities0/-


The salary will be under PB-4A, Rs. 15,600-42,000/- Grade pay-Rs.5, 400/- Level 16, Cell 1, Rs.56, 100/- as per ROPA,

  1. Other allowances are admissible as per Govt. Rules.

Applicants need to take a print-out of the application form. Two copies have to be submitted at the time of
the recruitment process.

Marks Distribution

The Marks Distribution is as follows

Academic MarksExperience MarksInterview MarksWritten Marks

Documents to be Uploaded

Particulars and Certificates required

1. A candidate claiming to be S.C./S.T./O.B.C. must have a certificate in support of his/her claim from a
the competent authority of West Bengal.

2. Persons with Disabilities (physically handicapped) must have a certificate from an appropriate Medical Board

3. The West Bengal Health Recruitment Board (WBHRB) may require further proof or particulars from the
candidates as it may consider necessary and may make inquiries regarding eligibility. Original Certificates
relating to citizenship (by registration), age, qualifications, caste (SC/ST/BC), and Physical disability shall have to be
submitted when the WBHRB asks for them.

4. Persons with Disabilities (Physically handicapped) [40% and above] must have a certificate from an appropriate Medical Board [vide West Bengal Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Rules, 1999] .

Applicants need to take a print-out of the application form. Two copies have to be submitted at the time of
the recruitment process.

Important Instructions

1. Candidate has to upload all the relevant documents (wherever applicable), prepare a single pdf file, or take
snapshots of all the relevant documents preparing a single image of jpeg/ png format with high resolution while applying on the website. Candidates are requested to upload the relevant documents in a legible and readable format in the space provided for the same.

2. Scanning of an original copy of all the relevant documents will be taken into consideration.

3. Candidate has to be careful that all the words/ marks in the uploaded documents shall be readable clearly, otherwise such uploaded documents will not be accepted and candidature may be rejected.

4. Shortlisting of candidates may be made before the Interview on the basis of academic scores OR on the basis of written test (if decided later) or both. The marks distribution pattern may be changed if a written test is conducted for the above-mentioned post.

5. Applications received after the scheduled date and time for submission of application will be rejected.

6. If Government ID Proof ( i.e. Aadhaar Card/Voter Card/Driving License/Passport etc.) is not available, then candidates may submit any certificate issued by the revenue office/ municipality/BDO Office/Panchayat Office as their present address.

7. Recent color front-facing passport size photograph with single color background(60% of the photograph must be covered by face) must be uploaded.

8. Full running signature in blue/black ballpoint pen on a white blank sheet must be uploaded. No short signature/ initial will be entertained.

9. No higher qualification without essential qualification shall be entertained.

10. Candidates are requested to upload all the relevant documents /certificates with period/tenure ending on or before the last date of submission of application.

11. Edit Mode: After uploading documents online, candidates may edit any information and re-upload documents only before the final submission process is completed. Every time a candidate has to log in and go through all the steps till final submission. No step can be skipped. Editing in any step may be done and other steps may be kept unchanged using the “SAVE” button in all the steps. Candidates, for whom fee exemption is not applicable, cannot edit documents after the payment process is completed whereas candidates, for whom fee exemption is applicable cannot edit documents after final submission.

12. Clauses in the advertisements may be modified/added subsequently. In case of discrepancy, if any, the decision of the Board will be final.

13. Marks obtained in written examination, if held, may be considered while preparing a merit list.