IBPS PO/MT ( probationary officer/management trainee)

IBPS PO: It is an exam conducted by IBPS to select the candidates to the post of Probationary officers in different public sector banks in India. There are two exams in this, preliminary and mains after which there is an interview process. You must have a graduate degree to apply for the same.


1. Eligibility Criteria (Age):

The IBPS PO age limit for general category is as follows:

Age Criteria20-30 years
Educational QualificationGraduation (Minimum)
  • Exemptions (in terms of age)  related to the IBPS PO for reserved categories:
IBPS PO Age Limit RelaxationUpper age limit Age in years
SC/ST candidates5 years
OBC category from the non-creamy layer3 years
Persons With Disabilities: Partial or Full Blindness Partial or Total Loss of Hearing Locomotor Disabilities Intellectual or Learning Disabilities, Autism and Mental Illness Multiple Concurrent Disabilities10 years
Ex-Servicemen5 years
1984 Riot Victims5 years

IBPS PO –  Few important  points regarding age limit are as follows:

  • SC/ST and OBC candidates can apply for a maximum of two cumulative exemptions.

  • If an ST candidate also has a physical disability, then a maximum of 15 years will be relaxed for the upper age limit. No other exemptions will be allowed.

  • Candidates need to produce certificates affirming their exemption category during the time of the interview to be eligible for the bank PO post.

    2. Eligibility Criteria (Nationality):

  • The eligibility as per the nationality and citizenship in terms of IBPS PO exam is given below:

  • The candidates applying for the exam should fulfil the following criteria:

  • Citizenship of India

  • Subjects of Nepal or Bhutan

  • Tibetan Refugee who arrived before January 1, 1962

  • A person of Indian origin migrated from Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Burma(Myanmar), Vietnam or East African countries of the United Republic of Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Malawi, Zambia, Zaire or Ethiopia to permanently settle in India.

  • The candidates who are not Indian citizens have to produce a certificate of eligibility from the Government of India in the interview round.

    3. Eligibility Criteria (Education)

  • The institute specifies that candidates who wish to appear for the IBPS PO exam should at least have a Bachelor’s degree from a recognised university.

  • The candidate must have passed the qualifying exam by or before August 2021.

  • The date mentioned on the mark sheet/ scorecard will be considered as the date of passing the degree.

  • Other qualifications acceptable as equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree such as AMIE, departmental courses from the government etc. are also allowed.

  • The candidate should furnish proof that the qualification is considered equivalent to a degree (Graduation) by the Government of India.

  • Candidates have to specify the percentage obtained in Graduation while filling in the online application. Also, the candidates being awarded CGPA/OGPA have to convert the same into a percentage. Percentage calculation must be done to the nearest two decimals.

  • Such percentage will be ignored, i.e. 54.99% will be treated as less than 55%, and 59.99% will be treated as less than 60%.

  • The Institute does not specify any IBPS PO eligibility percentage. The individual banks use the IBPS calculation of aggregate percentage for their purposes.

  • What is the EWS category ?

  • Economically weaker sections of the society, the applicants who are not covered under the existing reservations to SC,ST and OBC and whose family gross income is less than 8 lakh.

  • They get the benefit of 10% reservation in the vacancies reported by IBPS.

  • Few important points to remember:

  • The income from all the sources such as salary, agriculture, profession, business etc will be included in revenue and it will be included in the revenue. The income will be the income from the financial year preceding the  year of application.

  • The person whose family has following assets will not be considered as EWSs irrespective of their family income:

Serial no.Assets
1.5 acres of agricultural land and above
2.Residential flat of 1000 sq. ft. and above
3.Residential plot of 100 sq. yards and above in notified municipalities
4.Residential plot of 200 sq. yards and above in areas other than the notified municipalities
  • The property owned by a “Family” in different locations would be clubbed while applying the property holding test to determine EWS status.

  • The term “Family” will include the person who seeks the benefit of reservation, his/her parents and siblings below the age of 18 years, and also his/her spouse and children below the age of 18 years.

  • An Income and Asset Certificate issued by a Competent Authority in the prescribed format will have to be produced to avail the benefit of EWS reservation at the time of document verification and interview round of IBPS PO Selection Process.

  • What is the PwD category?

  • Under section 34 of “The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016”, persons with benchmark disabilities are eligible for Reservation as per the government of India norms. The following categories of disabilities can avail reservation under this Act:

Serial no.Categories
1.Blindness and low vision
2.Deaf and hard of hearing
3.Locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims, and muscular dystrophy
4.Autism, intellectual disability, mental illness, and specific learning disability
5.Multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d) including deaf-blindness in the posts identified for each disability
  • Vacancies reserved for the persons with benchmark disabilities will be allocated as prescribed in the “The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016” and as per vacancies reported to IBPS by Participating banks.

  • Guidelines for Pwd using a scribe :

  • Candidates with minimum benchmark disability whose writing speed are adversely affected permanently for any reason can use their scribe at their cost during IBPS PO 2021 exam. Following rules will be applied to use a scribe:

Serial no.Regulations
1.Arrange scribe at your own cost. It can be from any educational background.Candidates using a scribe will be eligible for compensatory time of 20 minutes or otherwise advised for every hour of the examination.The candidate, as well as the scribe, will have to submit a suitable undertaking confirming that the scribe fulfils all the stipulated eligibility criteria for a scribe. If at any stage of the exam, it is found out that the scribe did not fulfil any laid down eligibility criteria or suppressed material facts then the candidature of the applicant will be cancelled, irrespective of the result of the CRP.
2.The scribe arranged by the candidate should not be a candidate for the online examination under (CRP-PO/MT-IX).If a violation of the above is detected at any stage of the process, the candidature for CRP of both the candidate and the scribe will be cancelled.
3.Candidates eligible for and who wish to use the services of a scribe in the examination have to apply for the same in the IBPS PO Application Form.Any subsequent request will not be entertained.
4.Only candidates registered for compensatory time will be allowed such concessions since compensatory time given to candidates shall be system based, if they are not registered for the same, no such concessions will be entertained further.
  • Locomotor Disability and Cerebral Palsy Candidates:

  • Candidates with a minimum of 40% Locomotor Disability and Cerebral Palsy where dominant (writing) extremity is affected to the extent of slowing the performance of function will be permitted a compensatory time of twenty minutes per hour or otherwise advised.

  • Guidelines for Visually Impaired Candidates:

  • Candidates who are Visually Impaired suffering from not less than 40% of disability may opt to view the contents of the test (question paper) in magnified font and all such candidates will be eligible for compensatory time of 20 minutes for every hour or otherwise advised of examination. The facility of viewing the contents of the test in magnifying font will only be available to Visually Impaired candidates who will not use the services of a Scribe for the examination.

  • Guidelines for Intellectually Disabled Candidates

  • Candidates with more than 40% Intellectual Disability, Autism, Specific Learning Disability, and Mental Illness will be provided a compensatory time of twenty minutes per hour of examination, irrespective of availing the services of a scribe.

How to apply online for IBPS PO?
  • Step 1: Visit official website https://ibps.in/

  • Step 2: The link is provided on the home page of IBPS for filling in the application form of Probationary Officer offered through IBPS PO Exam.

  • Step 3: Now, click on CLICK HERE FOR NEW REGISTRATION link provided on the topmost right hand side of the page.

  • Step 4: You will be redirected to the first section of the form. Fill in all your basic information and click on Save and Next button at the bottom of the page

  • Step 5: You will now be redirected to the second section of the application form. You are required to upload your photograph and signature in this section. The permissible size of the photograph must be 4.5 cm * 3.5 cm. The photograph must be of passport size and both the photograph and the signature must be clear and legible. Permissible file size of photograph must be of minimum 20 KB and of maximum 50 KB and that of the signature must be of minimum 10 KB and of maximum 20 KB.

  • Step 6:Click on next button after uploading your photograph and signature successfully

  • Step 7: You are now required to fill in your personal details. There are three subsections that need to be completed in this portion of the application form.

  • After you have filled in your personal details, you are required to fill in your Educational Qualifications and your Work Experience. Once you are done with this, you are required to fill in the preference list.

  • In the preference list mention the name of the centre. You need to select the place from which you want to give the exam. You need to mention 4 places as your centre preference.

  • After the choices have been made, click on save and next

  • Step 8: After you are done with the above process, a preview of your application form will appear before you. In case you find any error, you can edit the information provided by you.Once the data is uploaded and saved, you are not allowed to make any changes in the form whatsoever. Therefore, kindly review all the details provided by you while filling in the application form.

  • Step 9: Finally, Select the preferable payment method to fill in the application fee for IBPS PO 2020 Exam. All payments are done online. Candidates can pay the Application fee through Credit Card/Debit Card/Net Banking etc.

  • Step 11: Click on the Submit button. Your application will be successfully submitted.


    The category wise fee structure is given below. FEE/ Intimation charges once paid will NOT be refunded on any account nor can it be held in reserve for any other examination or selection. The application fees must be paid online itself.

    Serial No.CategoryApplication Fees
    1.SC/ST/PWDRs. 175/- ( intimation charges only)
    2.General and OthersRs. 850/- (application fees including intimation charges)


  • The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection sets the IBPS PO exam pattern which comprises 3 stages viz. Preliminary exam, Mains exam and Interview round.
Number of Stages3 (Prelims, Main and Interview Round)
Conducting AuthorityIBPS
Exam Duration for Preliminary Round1 hour (60 minutes)
Exam Duration for Main Round3 hours 30 minutes (210 minutes)
Type of QuestionsMCQs (Additional Descriptive paper in Main Paper)
Exam ModePrelims- Online,Main Exam- Both Online and Offline
IBPS PO 2021 Interview Maximum Marks100
Minimum Qualifying Marks for the Interview40% (35% for Reserved Classes)

  • The IBPS PO Prelims Exam Pattern 2021 and the IBPS PO Mains Exam Pattern 2021 is given below:

  • Candidates are allotted a time duration of 1 hour to complete the preliminary exam. There is negative marking in the IBPS PO prelims exam and 0.25 marks are deducted for each wrong answer attempted by a candidate.

  • It is necessary to clear the cut-off in all 3 sections to qualify for the IBPS PO Main exam.

  • IBPS PO exam is conducted in two languages. They are English and Hindi.

  • To get an insight into the pattern, follow the table given below:

Name of testsNo. of questionsMaximum marksDuration
English language303020 minutes
Numerical Ability353520 minutes
Reasoning Ability353520 minutes

IBPS PO Mains Exam Pattern 2021

  • Introduction of Descriptive Paper: Just like SBI PO 2021 Exam, IBPS introduced Descriptive Paper in its Mains Examination where candidates will be judged on their written skills. An essay and a letter will be given to candidates to write that will constitute 25 marks and that has to be completed in a time span of 30 minutes.

  • The overall time allotted for each section has also been changed.

  • No separate paper will be conducted for Computer Applications. Reasoning is teamed up with Computer Aptitude section and this entire section will contain 45 questions of a total of 60 marks.

  • The overall time allotted for IBPS PO 2021 Mains Exam has also been changed from 140 minutes to 180 minutes.

  • The pattern has been given below to get a clear insight into the pattern:

Sr. No.Name of testNo. of QuestionsMax. MarksMedium of ExaminationTime Allotted
1Reasoning & Computer Aptitude4560English & Hindi60 minutes
2English Language3540English only40 minutes
3Data Analysis and Interpretation3560English & Hindi45 minutes
4General, Economy/Banking Awareness4040English & Hindi35 minutes
Total155200180 minutes
English language (Letter writing and essay)225English30 minutes

IBPS PO 2021 Interview Process

  • Candidates who qualify the Mains Exam are finally called for the Interview Process by IBPS. The Interview Process will consist of 100 marks and the minimum marks for qualifying this round will be 40% which is reduced to 35% for candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PWD categories

Final Selection:

  • The final selection of the candidate to the post of Probationary Officer will be made by taking into consideration the cumulative score of the Mains Exam and the interview Process. The weightage of both these phases of examination will be in the ratio 80:20 respectively.

  • Candidates who qualify the Mains Exam are finally called for the Interview Process by IBPS.

  • The Interview Process will consist of 100 marks and the minimum marks for qualifying this round will be 40% which is reduced to 35% for candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PWD categories.

  • Candidates who qualify the Mains Exam are finally called for the Interview Process by IBPS. Categories list will be generated after the Interview Process of IBPS PO 2021 Exam has been conducted. Candidates who make it to the list will be thus offered the joining letter by the Bank of their choice.


  • The preliminary exam is a screening test while the main exam tests candidates’ suitability to be recruited as probationary Officers in various banks.

IBPS PO prelims and mains syllabus is given below in detail:

IBPS PO prelims syllabus includes three subjects-

  1. English Language

  2. Quantitative Aptitude

  3. Reasoning Ability

English Language(30 marks)Quantitative Aptitude(35 marks)Reasoning Ability(35 marks)
Reading comprehensionSimplificationLogical Reasoning
Cloze testProfit and LossAlphanumeric Series
Para-jumblesMixtures and AllegationsRanking/ Direction/ Alphabet test
MiscellaneousSimple Interests & Compound Interests, Surds & IndicesData Sufficiency
Fill in the blanksWork & TimeCoded Inequalities
Multiple meaning/ Error spottingTime & DistanceSeating Arrangement
Paragraph CompletionMensuration - Cylinder, Cone, SpherePuzzle
Data InterpretationTabulation
Ratio & Proportion, PercentageSyllogism
Number SystemsBlood Relations
Sequence & SeriesInput Output
Permutation & CombinationCoding Decoding

IBPS PO mains exam syllabus:

  • The maximum weightage is given to the score obtained by candidates in IBPS PO Mains Exam in the final selection to the post of Probationary Officer.

  • The Mains Examination of IBPS PO exam 2021 consists of 4 + 1 sections: Reasoning & Computer Aptitude, English Language, Quantitative, Aptitude & General Awareness.

  • Just like SBI PO 2021, IBPS has introduced a descriptive paper in its mains exam for selection of candidates to the post of Probationary Officer.

Quantitative AptitudeGeneral AwarenessReasoning & Computer AptitudeEnglish Language
SimplificationFinancial AwarenessVerbal ReasoningReading Comprehension
PercentageCurrent AffairsSyllogismVocabulary
AverageGeneral KnowledgeCircular Seating ArrangementGrammar
Ratio & PercentageStatic AwarenessLinear Seating ArrangementVerbal Ability
Data InterpretationDouble Lineup
Mensuration & GeometryScheduling
Quadratic EquationInput Output
InterestBlood Relations
Problems of AgesDirections & Distances
Profit and LossOrder and Ranking
Number SeriesData Sufficiency
Speed, Time and DistanceCoding and Decoding
Time and WorkCode Inequalities
Number SystemInternet, Memory, Keyboard shortcuts,
Data SufficiencyComputer Abbreviations
Linear EquationsMicrosoft Office
Operating System
Permutation CombinationComputer Hardware
Computer Software
Mixtures and AllegationsComputer Fundamentals/IBPS PO Salary: Terminologies

IBPS PO Salary and Allowances:

  • Bank PO candidates are always curious to know about the salary structure, allowances, career growth, perks and promotion policy.

  • Bank PO salaries revision takes place on the basis of Bipartite Settlement. So for IBPS PO 2021, salary will be decided on the basis of 10th Bipartite Agreement.

  • There are different components of the salary structure of IBPS PO.

IBPS PO Basic Pay:

  • The revised basic IBPS PO salary is rupees 23700 - (980 × 7) - 30560 - (1145 × 2) - 32850 - (1310 × 7) – 42021.

  • It means Basic Salary of IBPS PO after 7 Years - Rs 30,560 Basic Salary of IBPS PO after 7 + 2 Years - Rs 32,850 Basic Salary of IBPS PO after 7 + 2 + 7 Years - Rs 42,020. (as per 10th Bipartite settlement)

  • IBPS PO salary structure in India:

Basic pay23,700
Special Allowances1,836.75
Total(without HRA)36,570.38
Gross with HRA38,703.38
  • IBPS PO salary in India after the Bipartite Settlement:

  • Wage revision for bank employees is due from November 2017 under the 11th bipartite settlement, which would span five years till 2022.

  • Nearly 8.8 lakh employees would benefit if the 11th bipartite settlement is agreed and accepted.

  • There is a provision of timely increment of the pay of the IBPS PO officer as given below:

Increment PercentageBasic PayGross Salary
15 %Rs. 26,706/-Rs. 37,068/-
20 %Rs. 27,866/-Rs. 38,678/-
25 %Rs. 29,026/-Rs. 40,288/-
30 %Rs. 30,187/-Rs. 41,899/-
  • IBPS PO Allowances
IBPS PO basic payRs. 23,700/- ( increment in 4 stages); salary after 1st increment- Rs. 30,560 ; Salary after 2nd increment - Rs. 32,850/- ; salary after 3rd increment- Rs. 42,021/-
House rent allowance7% - 9% of the basic pay
Dearness Allowance & Special Allowance39.8% of the basic pay & 7.75% of the basic pay
City compensatory Allowances3-4% depending on the place of posting

IBPS PO House Rent Allowance

  • It varies according to place of posting and can be 9.0% or 8.0% or 7.0% of the basic salary depending upon the type of cities (i.e., metros, big cities or other locations).

IBPS PO Dearness Allowance (DA):

  • Dearness Allowance (DA) is given to the employees as a percentage of the basic salary (In January 2016, it was around 39.8% of the basic salary).

  • This is revised every three months based on the All India Consumer Price Index Data published by the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation, Government of India. The Bank unions are determined to make it a monthly revision in the impending wage settlement**.**

IBPS PO Special Allowance (SA):

  • This allowance has been included in the last wage revision for the banks. It is about 7.75% of the basic pay. It came into effect from 01.01.2016.

IBPS PO City Compensatory Allowance (CCA):

  • Based on the type of city, it might be 0%, 3% or 4%.

Some other perks of an IBPS Probationary Officer are Travelling Allowance, Newspaper Reimbursement, Medical Aid, Benefits under New Pension Scheme etc. If we sum up then the salary may be 35,000+ rupees.

IBPS PO Career Growth:

The career growth options that follow after owning the post of IBPS PO is given below:

1. Middle Manager – Middle Management Grade Scale 2

2. Senior Manager – Middle Management Grade Scale 3

3. Chief Manager – Senior Management Grade Scale 4

4. Assistant General Manager – Senior Management Grade Scale 5

5. Deputy General Manager – Top Management Grade Scale 6

6. General Manager – Top Management Grade Scale 7

7. Executive Director

8. Chairman and Managing Director

Promotion Policy of an IBPS PO:

  • Most of the public sector banks follow uniform guidelines issued by the Ministry of Finance, Government of India, regarding promotion policy matters.

  • The public sector banks follow two channels in case of promotion i.e. the merit channel and the normal channel.

  • Promotional Channels for PO in Public Sector Banks:

Career Growth of an IBPS PO The salary of Officer JMGS I (Junior Management Grade Scale I) or probationary officers in banks ranges from Rs. 23700 to Rs. 42021.

For other Scale officers:

MMGS II (Middle Management Grade Scale II):

  • The salary ranges from 31705 to 45950.

MMGS II (Middle Management Grade Scale III):

  • The salary ranges from 42021 to 51490.

SMGS IV (Senior Management Grade Scale IV):

  • The salary ranges from 50030 to 59170.

SMGS V (Senior Management Grade Scale V):

  • The salary ranges from 59170 to 66070.

    The entry-level basic pay is higher in SBI as compared to other nationalised banks. The starting basic pay is Rs 27620 with four advance increments in the pay scale of 23700-980 (7) – 30560 – 1145 (2) – 32850 – 1310 (7) – 42021.

    Major banks participating in IBPS PO recruitment 2021:

    1. Punjab National bank
    2. Union bank of India
    3. Bank of India
    4. Indian Bank
    5. Canara Bank
    6. Indian Overseas Bank
    7. Central Bank of India
    8. UCO bank
    9. Bank of Baroda
    10. Punjab & Sind Bank
    11. Bank of Maharashtra
    VarshaKumari changed the title to IBPS PO - Information Bulletin .
    3 months later
    4 months later

    Will I get rural posting after clearing IBPS PO exam and what about holidays?



      IBPS PO is an exam administered by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection to select applicants for Probationary Officer positions in India’s public sector banks.They can be assigned to various branches, Head Offices, Corporate Offices, and Zonal Offices as Assistant Managers on probation.The probation period for a PO is usually two years.

      Yes, the first two year your posting will be in rural areas after that can change

      but this is completely depends on the applied bank availability of vacancy even after that IBPS can be posted to any candidate in metro cities ,Urban areas,and rural areas.
      It is completely a bank choice where they want you to recruit you according to their requirements.


      In general Indian banks are closed on public holidays.Some holidays are state specific and some holidays applicable on whole country banks. Country holidays include Republic day,Independence day,Gandhi jayanti, Indian festivals like Holi, Guru Nanak Jayanti , diwali ,Dussehra etc .
      Bank announce holidays on the second and fourth Saturday of every month though other banking facilities like money transfer,online transactions ,and net banking etc will be available .

      11 days later

      Procedure to File RTI against IBPS

      • A formal application can be typed or neatly handwritten, with the words “Application under RTI Act 2005” put on top.

      • You can submit an RTI request in English, Hindi, or the area’s official language.

      • The application should be sent to “ SPIO ”.


      • Ask explicit, thorough questions to express your request. If necessary, request papers or document extracts. The petitioner must pay Rs. 2 per page in order to get papers

      • Attach the necessary government RTI fee in the form of an IPO/DD/MO, etc. with the RTI application. Fees should be paid to “ THE SPIO, INSTITUTE OF BANKING PERSONNEL SELECTION ”.

      • Fill out your entire name and address, as well as your contact information and email address, and sign the application clearly. Include the date as well as the name of your town.

      • Make a photocopy for yourself to keep for future reference.

      • Make a statement that you are an Indian citizen at the end of the application.

      • Information must be delivered within 30 days, according to the legislation. If this does not occur, you may make a complaint.

      • The initial appeal should be written to “ The Appellate Authority ”, with the department’s name and address included. The appellate authority is required to respond within 45 days after receiving the appeal.

      • If the Appellate Authority rejects or fails to respond, the Information Commission, the Chief Information Commissioner, and the State/Central Information Commission are the next steps.

      For further information related to RTI you can click Right To Information(RTI).

      20 days later

      PallaviSingh Bank Exam Preparation Tips:

      Preparing for a bank exam takes a lot of time and work. I have prepared for it for about 5 years and covered almost every bank exams. I’ve come up with the following advises that worked for me:

      1. Understood the Detailed Syllabus: For any of its exams, the IBPS does not provide a comprehensive bank exam syllabus. However, by reviewing previous years’ bank exam question papers, one can infer the primary topics that appear each year. These topics, as well as Banking study materials, are available both online and offline.
      Knowing the Banking curriculum is half the battle won, since it saves time and effort. Many students make the mistake of studying everything under the sun for each subject, resulting in their efforts becoming diluted.

      2. Attempted Regular Mock Tests:
      Taking mock tests has two benefits. For starters, it gives the applicant a good understanding of their current level of preparation, allowing them to focus more intensely on weak areas of the IBPS syllabus. Second, it gives you plenty of practice answering questions in the allotted period.

      3. Read Newspapers: Candidates should read the newspaper on a daily basis, focusing on the business pages to keep up with current events for the exam. When attempting the General Awareness component of the exam, this becomes a significant distinction.

      4. Examined Previous Year Question Papers: Examining previous year question papers will assist students in determining the level of the examination as well as the exact exam structure.
      This is especially suggested for candidates who are taking the Banking exam for the first time.

      5. Concentrated on Every Subject: For both the prelims and mains phases of the test, a sectional as well as an overall cut off is published. As a result, it is critical that a candidate devotes appropriate time to the preparation of each subject featured in the Banking syllabus, rather than focusing solely on one.

      6. Examined the Past Year Cut Off: It is critical that a candidate be aware of the minimal qualifying marks from previous years, as well as analyse the pattern of the cut off marks increasing or decreasing. The candidate will be able to estimate the cut-off marks as a result of this.

      11 days later