It is well know that “Exam leak” is now becoming trend in Bihar. On may 8, 2022 BPSC conduted its 67th pre examination but before the exams starts the question paper got leaked on social media platforms and BPSC had to cancel the examination. Later on Thursday August 18, BPSC has released a notice for new exam date, exam is to be held on 20 and 22 september in two shifts.

Aspirants are protesting against this notice of two shift examination with two reasons. First, BPSC exam is to be conduct nearby UPSC mains examination and second “to conduct fair and transparent examination”.

10 days later

Students are seen protesting in various cities demanding the one-shift and exam date of BPSC mains should be far away from the date of UPSC mains for 67th BPSC. As the result, BPSC and Bihar government agreed on conducting the exam with traditional patterns but there is no response against one shift examination.