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Generally in India people have this stereotype thought that women’s are unable to achieve good position in Maths, Science and Engineering. Now let’s see the reality -
- 43% of STEM graduates in India are women as compared to 35% of the global averages.
- 14% of researchers in India are women as compared to 30% of the global average.
- 15% of faculty positions in science in India are occupied by women.
Still there are some challenges for women in India in terms of education like-
- Patriarchal culture
- Lack of Infrastructure: 11% colleges in India exclusively reserved for women, the majority offer programs in arts and Commerce rather than Science.
- Repercussions of perceived “women-friendly” measure: In some institutes, to ensure their
safety, women are advised to work only during official hours, while men can access labs any
- Gender gap: Women in the field of STEM are known to be paid less for their research work compared to men.
Government initiatives to promote women in STEM
• Knowledge Involvement Research Advancement through Nurturing (KIRAN) Scheme to encourage women
• SERB (Science and Engineering Research Board)-POWER (Promoting Opportunities for Women in Exploratory
Research): It aimed to mitigate gender disparity in science and engineering research funding.
• Vigyan Jyoti Scheme: It encourages girl students of Class 9 to 12 to pursue education and career in S&T particularly
in the areas where women are under-represented.
• GATI Scheme: The Gender Advancement for Transforming Institutions (GATI) will develop a comprehensive
Charter and a framework for assessing Gender Equality in STEM.
• Indo-US Fellowship for Women in ‘STEMM’ (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine).