Now a days manilulating the online exam is bigger threat for students career those who are responsible for this kind of activity, I would like to request to the government please punished them with hard action weather they belong to National or international.

- Oct 10, 2022
- Joined Jun 18, 2022
can any one explain expected exam date ?
what is the last date of issuing an OBC NCL certificate for SSC CGL 2022 ?
Unemployment rate is all time high in India, it is expected that again government will ignore vacancy and no. Of seats in SSC or other job
Har state ka yahi hal hai sir Anganwadi ka recuitment hi ni aati h, aur aati v hai to logo ko pata hi no chalti h jisse bahut log isse aachuta reh jate hai ……
In 2021, the country of Georgia had the highest share of women employed in STEM fields, with 55.6 percent of all those employed in STEM fields being women. Mongolia, Kiribati, Dominican Republic, and Cambodia rounded out the top five countries employing the highest share of women in STEM fields.17-Aug-2022. Where as India tops the world in producing female graduates in STEM but ranks 19th in employing them. According to the United Nations, women constitute merely 14% of the total 280,000 scientists, engineers and technologists in research development institutions in India
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CBSE Budding author programme plz any one can elaborate it ?
reservation should abolished for economically strong section weather they belong to any cast and given to only weeker sections it is totally based on income not on cast. But we can’t removed reservations system from our constitution because if Baba saheb given the concept of reservation mean it has some useful benefits for SC/ST and some other cast.
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Hijab ban on education institution, it has two face of coin. First one is if you see with the reference of “The right to wear Hijab falls under Article 19(1)(A)" which gives right to wear any dress according to your choice.
But at the same time if see other face of coin according to educational institutions which have same set of rules or dress code which protect discrimination amongst us which comes under Article 15 the constitution of India. Both have valid reason to counters each other.But according to me I would like to go with protect discrimination
mera desh ke youth se Agra h ki wo hinsa na kre hum apne bato ko rakhe ge wo v democratic tarike se aandolan kre aur jite ge bhi. Hume apne desh ke kissano se sikhna chahiye unhone jistaraha se apne andolan kiya bina kisi hinsa ke air govt ko apna nirnaye change krna pada thik usi tarah se hum apna ladai lade ge.Agar hum hinsa kre ge to ye Hitler ki sarkar h ye sako kuchl de ge aur humko hinsawadi nam de dege.
Agnipath scheme thik usi tarah se jaisa chat mangni pat bina wala, chat joining pat retirement.
mujhe samjh ni aata inko policy naker me kun baithe h sab anpadh log h ky apex body me demonitisation fail , kissan policy fail , Agnipath scheme samjh me ni aata h, lockdown pura taraha h wefal
plz rethink about Agnipath scheme agar desh ka youth jab gaya to bahut muskil ho gi sir aplog ko aaj jo congress ka hal h wo kal apka v ho sakta h aap opposition ke v layak na rahe ge History repeat itself.