I had not registered for the JEE Advance examination in my 1st attempt, which means that I have attempted it only once. Hence, am I eligible to take it in my second drop year?
IITs permit only two attempts for the JEE (Advanced), i.e. a candidate should have appeared for the Class XII (or equivalent) examination for the first time in either 2022, or 2021 or appear in 2023 to be eligible.
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PoojaSingh it still didn’t clear my doubt, which is can I give it my second drop year…
For instance, I cleared my class 12 boards in 2022, then can I give the JEE advance examination in 2024…?
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terex A candidate can attempt JEE (Advanced) a maximum of two times in two consecutive years. So if you completed your 12th in 2022 you could give an attempt in 2022 and 2023 only, not in the 2nd drop year which is 2024. Here is the Official Pdf of Information Bulletin JEE Advance 2022 check page 14, Criterion 3 - Number of Attempts