
  • Apr 14, 2022
  • Joined Apr 2, 2022
  • St Stephen’s says it will give 85% weightage to CUET score for admission and 15% weightage to interview.

  • The National Testing Agency (NTA), which is responsible for conducting the exams, will consider conducting the CUET twice a year from the next session. “To begin with, CUET will be conducted once this year but NTA will consider conducting the exam at least twice a year from the next session. The entrance exam will not just be limited to Central Universities but also private ones. Several prominent private universities have indicated that they would like to come on board and admit students through CUET,” said University Grants Commission Chairman Jagadesh Kumar.
    So from the above statement we can comprehend that there are high chances of CUET be conducted twice a year from next session.

  • SuhanaArora Following are the important benefits -
    1)It saves students from applying to different colleges through separate processes with diff fees and unifies the admission procedure, reducing the effort.
    2)It saves students from applying to different colleges through separate processes with diff fees and unifies the admission procedure, reducing the effort.
    3) CUET brings all colleges under one hood which means all students will be screened equally. CUET promises a much more student-friendly process. Diversity of boards and evaluation systems is mitigated.
    4)This new shift brings most coveted popular colleges under one roof and hence browsing through available options will be easier for any student.
    5) It will be available in 13 different languages, which means that the language barrier will be removed as our country is very diverse.
    The astonishing part of CUET is that boards will not be given weightage. This is both a pleasant news as well as a little scary. However, NTA has left open a window for allowing universities to set a minimum eligibility on board exams. We must find a way to give weightage to a child’s schooling career. 12 years of schooling should not be completely disregarded in the admission process.
    I hope i have solved your querry.