
  • Nov 29, 2022
  • Joined Sep 21, 2022
  • Akki76
    Hi Akki
    There are total 120 seats available for Finance(MBA) in IMS and seats available for URO is 36. As per your rank, your availability of seats will be notified in counselling only. I will suggest that you should wait positively till counselling.

  • Hello Shiv44
    Seats reserved for SC/ST/OBC/PWD and EWS categories will be offered to the SC/ST/OBC/PWD and EWS candidates of Madhya Pradesh domicile only. SC/ ST/OBC/PWD and EWS candidates from other states will be treated under the unreserved category. It means there will be no priority for general category students even if they have MP domicile.
    Now to your first question, As per your rank, it can not be clearly said that you will not get the colleges you mentioned because allotment of seats are totally dependent upon various factors and hence it can only be declared post counseling.
    All the best

  • 10% EWS reservation is a fraud on Constitution, says Justice Chandru
    The debate, discussion and ruling on EWS reservation is going deeper from constitutional angle. Justice K Chandru is a former judge of Madras High Court who call EWS reservation a fraud to constitution.

    • VarshaShukla
      Admission Process for UG admissions have been started for following Universities-

      1. Banaras Hindu University
      2. Delhi University
      3. Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University
    • PoojaSingh
      Recently, while hearing of the case on authenticity and legal perspective of EWS quota, many points have been recognized. Attorney­ General of India K.K. Venugopal submitted before a Constitution Bench led by Chief Justice of India U.U. Lalit on Tuesday that the 10% quota for economically weaker sections (EWS) of society does not erode the rights of the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes or the Other Backward Classes, . Mr. Venugopal, for the Centre, said the EWS quota was given independent of the already existing 50% reservation granted for the backward classes, that is, the Scheduled communities and the OBCs. The top law officer rejected arguments by petitioners that the exclusion of backward classes from the EWS quota amounted to discrimination. “So far as the SCs and STs are concerned, they have been loaded with benefits by way of affirmative actions.