
  • May 20, 2024
  • Joined Jun 17, 2022
  • Himachal Pradesh Board of Secondary Education responsible for conducting board exams in the state of Himachal Pradesh is going to declare the results of class 12th on 18 June 2022 around 11:30. Students can check the results on Step by Step process to check the results are

    • Go to the official website of the Board-

    • Click on 12th result link 2022

    • Fill the details such as roll number and Date of birth

    • HPBOSE result of class 12th will appear on the Computer Screen

    • Download the scorecard of Class 12 and take a print out for further reference.

    Candidates can discuss further over the result in the reply section below

  • NEET PG 2021


    • NEET-PG stands for National eligibility-cum Entrance Test (Post Graduate )
    • Neet PG is a nationwide examination for admission to various MD/MS i.e (Doctor of Medicine / Master of science ) and Post Graduate Diploma Courses across the top universities all over India.
    • NEET PG 2021 will be conducted by NBE (National Board of Examination)
    • Qualifying NEET-PG is mandatory for entrance under various Universities/ Institutions in the country, no other entrance examination, either at the state or the Institution level, shall be valid for entry to MD/MS/PG Diploma courses.
    • NEET PG is mandatory even for foreign nationals seeking admission in medical courses in India.

    Important Note -
    The following Medical institutions are not covered by centralized admissions for MD/MS seats through NEET-PG for the 2021 session.

    1. AIIMS, New Delhi, and other AIIMS 

    2. PGIMER, Chandigarh 

    3. JIPMER, Puducherry

    4. NIMHANS, Bengaluru

    5. Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Trivandrum

    Important Dates

    Availability of the Information Bulletin23rd February 2021 Onwards
    Online Submission of Application23rd February (3 PM Onwards) to 15th March 2021 (Till 11:55PM)
    Edit Window for All the Candidates19th March 2021 to 21st March 2021
    Final Edit Window to rectify Deficient/Incorrect Images: 1. Photograph 2. Signature 3. Thumb Impression2nd April 2021 to 4th April 2021
    Issue of Admit CardTo be announced
    Examination Date11th September 2021
    Declaration of ResultTo be announced

    Who can Apply

    • Indian nationals
    • NRI
    • PIO
    • OCI
    • Foreign nationals

    How to Apply

    NEET PG 2021 has been released from February 23, 3:00 PM onwards at Applicants can check the steps to fill the application form of NBE NEET PG 2021 below:

    • Fill the registration form for obtaining User ID and Password

    • User ID and password will be then, sent through SMS and Email

    • Fill the application form - Personal Details, Qualification Details (MBBS / Primary Medical Qualification details, Internship Details, SMC/MCI Registration Details), Test Center Details

    • Upload a recent passport size photograph (Maximum 80 Kb size, in JPG/JPEG format) and signature (Maximum 80 Kb size, in JPG/JPEG format) signature

    • Choose test city

    • Make a payment of fees in the online mode through debit/credit card or net banking.

    • Take a print out of the filled application form with transaction ID printed on it.


    • Test City will be confirmed only after payment of fee is successful.
    • Candidates must ensure that the information filled in NEET PG application form is correct as forms with incorrect or incomplete details will be rejected by NBE

    Fee structure 

    CategoryFee INR (₹)Gst include (18%)Total amount in INR ( ₹ )
    General, OBC₹ 4250₹ 765₹ 5015
    ST,SC,PWD₹ 3250₹ 585₹ 3835

    Scheme and Pattern

    Mode of examinationComputer Based
    Type of questionMCQ
    Time duration3 hours 30 minutes
    Total question200
    Total marks800

    Note - the exam pattern has changed for NEET PG (2021) , instead of 300 question 200 questions will come in examination.

    correct4 marks
    wrong1 marks deduction (-1)
    unattempted0 marks

    NEET PG 2021 Eligibility Criteria

    • Candidates must possess a valid MBBS degree from an institution recognized by the Medical Council of India (MCI), and have an MBBS degree or provisional certificate to that effect.
    • Completion of the rotatory internship on or before June 30, 2021.
    • Provisional or permanent medical registration certificate issued by MCI or a State Medical Council. This must be carried on the day of the exam and during admission.
    • Candidates who have studied/qualified MBBS from Jammu & Kashmir are not eligible for All India 50% Quota seats. Only candidates who were nominated by the Government of India (under central pool seats) to study MBBS from Medical Colleges in Jammu & Kashmir shall be eligible for All India 50% quota seats. Such candidates must submit a duly signed affidavit declaring this.
    • Applicants who have completed their MBBS degree from outside India must have qualified the Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (FMGE)

    Important: Test City will be confirmed only after payment of fee is successful.

    NEET PG Age limit

    The conducting authority has not specified any upper or lower age limit to appear in NEET PG 2021. One must hold an MBBS degree along with the compulsory internship certificate to become eligible for the examination.

    NEET PG Syllabus

    The syllabus of the NEET PG 2021 entrance exam comprises all the subjects that were in the candidate’s syllabus while studying MBBS and BDS programs. The following table summarizes

    NEET PG Syllabus comprises topics from-

    • Pre Clinical
    • Para Clinical
    • Clinical
    pathologyGenetic and pediatric Diseases, Environmental and Nutritional Diseases, General pathology of infectious Diseases, The Blood vessels, The Heart , hematopoietic and lymphoid systems, The lung, The kidney and its collecting system. Cell injury, Cell death and adaptations, Acute and chronic inflammation, Tissue Repair, Regeneration, Healing and Fibrosis, Hemodynamic Disorders, thrombosis and shock, Diseases of the immune system Neoplasia. The oral cavity and Gastrointestinal tract, The liver, Gallbladder and Biliary tract, The pancreas, The male genital system, The female genital system and breast, The Endocrine system, The musculoskeletal system, The skin, The nervous system, Miscellaneous Topics.
    PharmacologyDrugs Acting on Central Nervous System, Cardiovascular Drugs, Drugs Acting on Kidney, Drugs Affecting Blood and Blood Formation, Gastrointestinal Drugs, Antimicrobial Drugs, Chemotherapy of Neoplastic Diseases, Miscellaneous Drugs. General Pharmacological Principles, Drugs acting on Autonomic Nervous system, Autacoids and Related Drugs, Respiratory and Related Drugs, Hormones and Related Drugs.
    Biochemistry:unction and replication of informational macromolecules, Biochemistry of extracellular and intracellular communication, Nutrition, Digestion and Absorption ,Vitamins and minerals, Intracellular traffic and sorting of proteins, Glycoproteins, The extracellular matrix. Muscles and the cytoskeleton, Plasma proteins and immunoglobulins, Homeostasis and thrombosis, Red and white blood cells, Metabolism of xenobiotics, The Human genome project, Miscellaneous Topics. Structures and functions of proteins and Enzymes, Bioenergetics and the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids, Metabolism of proteins and amino acids, Structures.
    Microbiologyintroduction to Microbiology, Bacteriology, parasitology, Virology and Mycology, Bacterial Staining and Cultivation, Common Tests for Bacterial identification, Laboratory Diagnosis of Viral Infection, Common Laboratory Methods for Diagnosis of Fungal Infections, Collection of Transport of Samples, Host-Parasite relationship. Bacterial AND Viral Genetics, Immunity to infection, Immunodiagnostic, Vaccines, Sterilization and disinfection, Bacteriology of water and air, Microorganisms associated with gastrointestinal infections (Bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungi), . Gastrointestinal infections caused by parasites.
    Orthopaedics:fractures and Injuries, Infections of bones and joints, Bone tumors, CTEV, PIVD, Back pain, Degenerative and metabolic bone disease, Miscellaneous Bone diseases.
    Preventive and Social Medicine:Environment and Health, Hospital waste Management, Disaster Management ,Occupational Health , Genetics and Health , Mental Health, Health Information and Basic Medical Statistics, Communication for Health Education, Health Planning and Management, Health care of the community, International Health, Miscellaneous Topics. Man and Medicine : Towards health for all, Concept of Health and Diseases, Principles of Epidemiology and Epidemiologic Methods, Screening for Disease, Epidemiology of communicable Diseases. Epidemiology of chronic Non-Communicable Diseases and Conditions, Health programs in India, Demography and Family planning, Preventive Medicine in Obstetrics Pediatrics and Geriatrics, Nutrition & Health, Social Sciences and Health.
    ANESTHESIAGeneral Anaesthesia, Regional Anaesthesia, Drugs used for Anaesthesia, Anaesthesia in coexisting diseases, Critical Care, Miscellaneous Topics.
    Physiology:Digestion and Absorption, Respiration, Cardiovascular Physiology, Nervous System, Excretion, Endocrine System, Sensory organs, Muscles, Miscellaneous Topics.
    ENT:Diseases of Ear, Diseases of Nose and Paranasal Sinuses, Diseases of oral cavity and salivary Glands, Diseases of pharynx, Diseases of Larynx and trachea. Diseases of Esophagus, Recent advances, Clinical methods in ENT and Neck masses, Operative surgery, Miscellaneous Topics.
    Anatomy:The thorax, The Abdomen, The Pelvis, The perineum, The upper limb, The lower limb, The Head and Neck, The Back, Miscellaneous Topics.
    Surgery:Gastrointestinal Surgery, Urogenital Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Hernia, Umbilicus and Abdominal wall Cardiothoracic Surgery. Burns, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Transplantation and oncology, Head Injury, Miscellaneous Topics.
    Ophthalmology:Anatomy and development of eye, Clinical methods in ophthalmology, Optics and refraction, Disease of conjunctiva, Disease of the cornea, Disease of the sclera. Disease of the Uveal tract, Disease of the lens, Glaucoma, Disease of the vitreous, Disease of the Retina, Vision and neuro-ophthalmology, Strabismus and Nystagmus, Disease of the lids. Disease of the lacrimal apparatus, Disease of the orbit, Ocular injuries, Basic principles of ocular therapy, Systemic ophthalmology, Community Ophthalmology, Miscellaneous Topics.
    Medicine:Infectious diseases, tropical medicine and sexually transmitted diseases, Cell and molecular biology and genetic disorders, Clinical immunology, Nutrition, Gastrointestinal disease, Liver. biliary tract and pancreatic disease, Haematological disease, Medical oncology including haematological malignancy, Rheumatology and bone disease, Renal disease, Water electrolyte and acid base balance, Cardiovascular disease. Respiratory disease, Intensive care medicine, Drug therapy and Poisoning, Environmental medicine, Endocrine disease, Diabetes Mellitus & other metabolic disorders, Neurological disease, Miscellaneous Topics
    Gynaecologydiseases & Injury to female genital tract, Conception, Birth control and MTP, Trophoblastic diseases, Ectopic gestation and disorders of menstruation. Tumors and its therapy, PID, Chronic pelvic pain, Endometriosis, Miscellaneous Topics.
    Obstetrics:Normal pregnancy, Complications of pregnancy, Medical and surgical illness complicating Pregnancy Pre-term labour, PROM, Post maturity, IUD, Malposition. Malpresentation, Cord prolapse, Prolonged labour, obstructed labour, Diseases of Foetus and newborn, Operative obstetrics, Special topics in obstetrics, Miscellaneous Topics.
    Forensic Medicine:Medical Jurisprudence, Autopsy, Death, Post mortem changes, Injuries and wounds, Thermal death, Starvation, Mechanical Asphyxia, Sexual offences and Abortion, Poisoning, Psychotropic drugs, Asphyxiants, Miscellaneous Topics.
    PediatricsGrowth and development, Disorders of growth and development, Adolescent health and development, Fluids and electrolytes, Nutrition and macronutrient disorders. Micronutrient in health & Disease, Newborn infants, Immunity and Immunization, Infectious diseases, Common protozoal & Helminthic infections, Diseases of Gastrointestinal system and liver, Hematological disorders, Disease of Ear nose and throat. Respiratory System, Disorders of the Cardiovascular system, Disorders of the Kidney and urinary tract, Endocrine and Metabolic disorders, Neuromuscular disorders, Malignancy in childhood, Collagen vascular Disorders, Genetic disorders, Inborn errors of metabolism. Ophthalmology : Ocular manifestations of systemic disorders common skin disorders and leprosy, Poisoning and Accidents, Pediatric critical care, Practical Procedures, Rational drug therapy, Integrated management of childhood illness, Miscellaneous Topics.
    PsychiatryCognitive disorders, Schizophrenia, Mood disorders, Anxiety disorders, Adjustment disorders, Somatoform disorders. Sexual disorders, Eating, Sleep and Personality disorder, Impulse control disorders, Miscellaneous Topics.
    DermatologyDisorders of Pigmentation, Allergic disorders, Papulosquamous disorders, Papulo vesicular disorders. Systemic disorders with Cutaneous features, Leprosy, Fungal infections, Scabies, Pediculosis, STD, Malignant Skin disease, Miscellaneous Topics.
    RadiologyPhysics and Technique, Diagnostic features and signs, Systemic Radiology, Miscellaneous Topics
    Radiotherapy:Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, Nuclear medicine, Miscellaneous Topics.
    Physiologydigestion and Absorption, Respiration, Cardiovascular Physiology, Nervous System, Excretion, Endocrine System, Sensory organs, Muscles, Miscellaneous Topics.
    AnaesthesiaGeneral Anaesthesia, Regional Anaesthesia, Drugs used for Anaesthesia, Anaesthesia in coexisting diseases, Critical Care, Miscellaneous Topics.

    NEET PG Reservation Criteria

    NEET PG 2021 reservation defines the limits on the allocation of seats to the reserved and non-reserved category candidates.
    For States/Union Territories - 50% Quota Seats and Private Medical Colleges/ Institutes/Universities/Deemed Universities

    • NEET PG 2021 reservation criteria defined for each State/ Union Territory is different. The reservation quota is different in each state.
    • NEET PG 2021 merit list is different for each state. The private University/ Institution can prepare their own merit list based on the regulation applicable. The state quota will remain undisturbed.
    • NBE (National Board of Examination) will give the details of the candidate who has qualified NEET PG. The reservation criteria give the private Universities/ Institutes of different States/ Union territories the freedom to create their own NEET PG 2021 merit list on the basis of the NEET PG 2021 Result. The Regulation and/or their qualifying criteria, applicable guidelines, and reservation policies of the State/ Universities are different.

    For Armed Forces, Medical Service Institutions

    • The candidates who wish for a seat in MD/MS/PG Diploma seats (AFMS) shall tick the option (Institutions of Armed Medical Services) at the time of filling the application form. The candidates have to go through the separate NEET PG Registration Process for AFMC. The AFMC online registration website is

    • There is no reservation granted to SC/ST/OBC/PH category candidates in Armed Forces Institutions conducting Post Graduate Courses