
  • Sep 20, 2022
  • Joined Apr 27, 2022
  • Among all the argument your’s is the best one . Hope others would take lessons from your opinion. Thanks for giving this valuable insight.


  • As revealed by ED that West Bengal SSC witnessed scam along with involvement of bags of cash and valuables found at residence of said minister and it has brought a sensation to West Bengal SSC Aspirants.
    As per government data, in recent 8 years, no. of candidates who applied for Government jobs are 22 crores and no. of selected candidates are 7.22 lakhs only. In such a high time and competition, scams in govt recruitment shake all the hopes of aspirants.

  • SSC has released it’s revised academic calendar which shows that the exams which are notified in 2022 will be conducted in the 2022 only.This is a positive sign that SSC is trying to fix the chronic problem of exam delay which has proved fatal for the aspirant.Share your views on following points-

    • Will this step provide certainty to the aspirants?

    • Will these changes be carried to further years or limited to current year only?

    • How does the delay in exams and results impact the students?

    • Should the result declaration and joining process also be expedited along with examination on time?

  • [
    Amid the rumour that CBSE class 10 result will be declared today, there’s still no official statement or clarification from the board regarding the results of class 10 and 12. The situation is creating tension & confusion among students as most of the colleges already started and students are still waiting for results.

    Share your thoughts and opinion on

    • Can the delay in the result make a dent in future endeavours of the students?

    • What will the impact on the students appearing or preparing for NEET and JEE?

    • As most of the colleges have already started their session, will the result’s delay make some students to miss their chances?

    • Should CBSE come forward, clear the cloud of rumour and give some clear date of result?

    • Covid being prevalent over whole world has caused peremptory sufferings to all.During that period the only sole propose was to save ourselves.Aspirants are demanding extra attempt to compensate the time lost to COVID.

      • Is it worth to get the extra attempt?

      • If it’s worth then why the delay which is causing the aspirants to o overage?

      • Should aspirants also get relaxation in age with the extra attempt?

      • If considered, extra attempt should be given only to UPSC aspirants or other exams too?

    • Shalini_ The allotment of courses and institutions for admission will be done through counseling on the basis of availability of seats, options given by the candidate, and merit and counseling. After the declaration of the result, the detailed rules, date, time, place, procedure, and guidelines of counseling will be given by the council in the newspapers and on the website of the council. Once the seat is finally allotted, no change in the course or institution will be possible.

      The counseling process is as follows

      (1). For online counseling, the eligible candidate will have to register on the portal, after registration, the prescribed fee of Rs 250 / - will have to be deposited online or through challan, only then the registration of the candidate will be considered complete.

      (2). After registration by the candidates, the choices of institute and courses will be filled through their login on the portal. The number of options is unlimited. Qualified candidates can change/her option or add new options at each stage.

      (3). Allotment letters will be made available to the successful candidates on their login by allotting the choice of institution and course given by the candidates according to the order of preference and reservation.
      By appearing in the Joint Entrance Examination conducted by the Joint Entrance Examination Council, Uttar Pradesh, the candidates will be bound by all the rules and restrictions which are given at different places or which may be changed or enforced by the Council or the State Government from time to time.

      (4). Admission to the allotted institution the candidate will have to present himself in his allotted institution with all his original records on the prescribed dates for admission. Under the admission process by the institution, all the original records of the candidates, fees, and other formalities will be completed, if found correct, the candidate will be given admission.
      Reservation certificates are required by the candidates to allow the benefit of reservation, the certificates
      shown in the pdf will have to be presented at the time of counseling in the latest format prescribed by the Uttar Pradesh government. The below certificate must be signed by the competent authority.

    • The duration of the examination will be 2:30 hours. A total of 100 questions are present in the Questions paper. There will be negative marking also as one right answer will give you 4 marks and 1 wrong answer will deduct 1 mark.

    • Joint Entrance Examination Council, Uttar Pradesh conducts Online Examinations of JEECUP(Polytechnic)-2022 for admission in Government polytechnic colleges of Uttar Pradesh. Online CBT-Based Examinations of JEECUP(Polytechnic)-2022 will be going to held between 27 June to 30 June 2022. Admit Card for the exam can be downloaded from 20 June onwards on the official website https://jeecup.admissions.nic.in/. Candidates who are having doubts can discuss further on the topics below and more.

      • Exam pattern

      • How to download Admit Card

      • Further Process after results

      • Last-minute tips

    • The Updated dates ofJEE Advanced are

      JEE Advanced 2022 Registration DatesSunday, August 07, 2022 (10:00 IST) to Thursday, August 11, 2022 (17:00 IST)
      Last date for paymentFriday, August 12, 2022 (17:00 IST)
      JEE Advanced 2022 Admit cardTuesday, August 23, 2022 (10:00 IST) to Sunday, August 28, 2022 (14:30 IST)
      JEE Advanced 2022 Exam dateSunday, August 28, 2022 Paper 1: 09:00-12:00 IST Paper 2: 14:30-17:30 IST
      Result of JEE (Advanced) 2022Sunday, September 11, 2022 (10:00 IST)
    • Bihar Public Service Commission has postponed the written examination of Assistant Engineer Civil 2020. For this, BPSC has issued a notice on the official website, on which it is written that the exam is postponed due to unavoidable reasons. Let us tell you that the examination of Assistant Engineer Civil was to be held on June 12 and 13. The new dates for this exam will be announced later. This notice can be read by clicking here.