The term “normalisation” refers to the process of converting values measured on disparate scales to a “common” scale. It is primarily used to assess the performance of all applicants using comparable test settings. Its goal is to vary the exam’s difficulty level across shifts.

According to me to calculate the final percentile for a candidate, the Normalized method takes into consideration the sum of the mean and standard deviation of scores for a given slot. So, rather than achieving a certain score, precision is the objective.

you can apply for the above said post by visiting the official site of Dsssb dsssb.delhi.gov.in.

There is no quota for candidates from the OBC category who live outside of Delhi. Under the DSSSB recruitment only the OBC (Delhi) group will be offered the advantage of reservation.

DSSSB pays a handsome salary to candidates.

Approximate salary of Section officer(Horticulture)is Rs. 9300-34800 + Grade Pay 4200/- Group: ‘B’ .

state certificate state main hi valid hota and DEHI main central government ka hi valid hota h in case of OBC.

If you have an Other Backward Classes (OBC) certificate, it is valid for applying to DSSSB even if it is only provided by the central government.

iska matlab agar main out of delhi OBC hu tou main general main count houngi.