5 days later

Happysingh When an exam is given in difrnt shifts for the same syllabus and there is a possibility that the difficulty level of the questions may vary, normalisation of marks is done in that situation to equalize the situation for everybody

MadhuKumari Well I wud suggest ou not to use any third party website. the most safest step wud be fillit it on the official website of DSSSB. Becoz it may ask for the application fees..if u make payment on it, u r prone to many frauds.

6 days later
7 days later
2 years later
12 days later

Hitesh Hitesh

1. The DSSSB vide its advertisement no. 01/20 with closing date 06/02/2020 had advertised 09 vacancies (UR-06, OBC-02, SC-01 including PwD (OH)-01) for the Post of Section Officer (Horticulture) in Delhi Jal Board under post code 02/20.
2. The Board has conducted Tier-| Examination (online mode) on 9th October, 2021 and 31 candidates who obtained marks above or equal to cut-off marks in their respective categories, were provisionally shortlisted to appear in Tier-ll examination, subject to the information furnished by the candidates in their online application forms vide Result Notice No. 82 dated 31.12.2021.
3. The Board has conducted Tier-Il examination (online mode) on 28.11.2022 and a total of 26 candidates appeared in said exam, out of the 31 candidates.
4. Marks obtained by 26 candidates who have duly appeared in the Tier-ll- written examination held on 28/11/2022 have been uploaded on Board’s website. Candidate can view their marks by logging in to their account in OARS module on www.dsssbonline.nic.in.
5. Based on the performance in the Tier-ll examination (online Mode), a total 19 candidates who have secured equal and more marks in their respective category as per the detail given below are provisionally shortlisted and accordingly, allowed to upload e-dossier subject to attaining minimum qualifying marks and correctness of the information
furnished by the candidates in their online application form:-

Category/VacancyUR-06OBC-02SC-01Inculding PH(OH)-01
No.of candidates shortlisted150204 (02 candidates already shortlisted in UR)01(candidate already shortlisted in UR)
Cut off marks (Tier-II) for uploading of e-dossier (out of 200 marks)85.5076.2565.0098.75

Check the Official PDf -

2 months later