DSSSB Recruitment for the Post of Assistant Engineer
Delhi Subordinate Servies Selection Board announces the vacancy for the Post of Assistant Engineer for the Different branches of Engineering. DSSSB released an official notification for the post of Assistant Engineer (Civil). A total of DSSSB Assistant Engineer tentative vacancies have been announced by DSSSB to be recruited through DSSSB AE Recruitment. The online registration process will be conducted and the Tier-1 exam is to be conducted. Interested candidates can check the important dates, vacancy details, eligibility criteria, and other details about the recruitment. DSSSB will conduct examinations (Tier-I & Tier-II) for making recruitment against the vacancies notified. The date of conduct of examinations details will be available only through the website of the Board.

Name of Post - Assistant Engineer(Civil)

How to Apply

The candidates eligible for the post can apply online through the website https://dsssbonline.nic.in

Education Qualifications

The Educational Qualifications required for the post of Assistant Engineer(Civil) are
(i) Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or equivalent.
(ii) Two years of professional experience.

Scheme of Examination

The syllabus for Tier- I are as follows

Section – A:- 1. General Awareness, 2. General Intelligence & Reasoning ability, 3. Arithmetical & Numerical Ability, 4. Hindi Language & Comprehension. (20 marks) 5. English Language & Comprehension: (20 marks)100
Section – B:- Objective type multiple choice questions on the Civil Engineering100

The duration of the examination will be of 2 hours.
The syllabus for Tier-II

SyllabusNumber of QuestionsTotal Marks
Part-I Objective type multiple choice questions covering the entire syllabus of the qualifying subject.100100
Part-II:- Objective type multiple choice questions to evaluate the ability for application of concepts, problem-solving capacity, and abilities to comprehend context, analyze situations, evaluate options, make informed choices, apply theoretical aspects and principles, etc. relating to the technical and domain knowledge of the subject100200
SakshiMishra changed the title to DSSSB Assistant Engineer(Civil) - Information Bulletin .
Apoorvaverma changed the title to DSSSB Assistant Engineer(Civil)- Information Bulletin .

Chittu Both are the essential qualifications for this post. Candidates should have both the qualifications to apply for the post.

The candidate must have a degree in Engineering along with a post qualification experience of 2 years.
So both the requirement should be fully filled.

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