The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), on November 29, announced the GDC Software Engineering fellowship, offering an industry-led training cum internship programme to 40 Indian students.
Launched in collaboration with, the programme will enable students who complete training to contribute open-source software for CoronaSafe Network/ eGov Foundation and the development of other digital public goods, via a semester-long remote internship.
- The fellowship is meant for current undergraduate or postgraduate students, within the age group 18-25 years, enrolled in any course at a higher education institution in India.
- Applicants must have a basic knowledge of any programming language, preferably Python. Prior experience in HTML, CSS, JavaScript is also preferred, but isn’t mandatory.
- They are required to have independently written at least some amount of code before, either on personal or college projects.
- Applicants must have a strong will to learn new programming skills and a stable internet connection.
- Linux/MacOS/Windows on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is preferred.