The terms “recognition” and “accreditation” of a higher education institution are often used interchangeably by students. However, there are some key differences between the two terms that candidates should consider and look for in a higher education institution at the time of admission.

University Recognition
The basic definition of recognition is when a university is acknowledged for its existence, validity, and legality.
As part of the university recognition process, every varsity in India has to undergo an inspection conducted by the University Grants Commission (UGC). Under the inspection, a university is evaluated on different grounds such as its curriculum, infrastructure, faculty and staff, policies and procedures, etc. UGC recognition for a university means fulfillment of all the minimum education requirements. The degrees granted by such universities are also recognised and accepted by all organisations in India.

Accreditation Status
Accreditation is basically a quality assurance process under which different student and staff related services (such as quality of academic programmes, staff, etc) offered by a college/ university are evaluated by an accreditation body. The body determines whether the higher education institution meets the required standards and grants accreditation status to it accordingly.

In India, the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) and National Board of Accreditation (NBA) are the organisations that grant accreditation status. While NAAC provides accreditation to colleges and universities, NBA conducts accreditation of technical programmes offered at technical institutions.

For accreditation of colleges and universities in India, a two-step approach is adopted by NAAC. In the first step, a higher education institution is required to seek Institutional Eligibility for Quality Assessment (IEQA). The second step is the assessment and accreditation of the institute.

DNot Accredited

There are seven criteria that form the part of NAAC’s assessment procedure as mentioned below:

  • Curricular aspects
  • Teaching-learning and evaluation
  • Research, consultancy and extension
  • Infrastructure and learning resources
  • Student support and progression
  • Governance and leadership
  • Innovative practices

s per UGC Regulations 2012, the process of accreditation aims at achieving the following objectives:

• Advancing academic quality

• Enabling students and other stakeholders to make informed choices with regard to higher educational institutions

• To facilitate higher educational institutions to enhance quality by benchmarking uniform reference points with respect to academic standards

• To facilitate higher educational institutions to acquire international recognition and cross-border collaborations

Accreditation serves two purposes: to ensure the institution’s or program’s quality, and to aid in the institution’s or program’s progress.

Accreditation is a process of ensuring that a provisionally recognised program’s teaching, learning, and all other connected activities satisfy quality criteria.


As per NAAC assessment relies on the following set of 7 criteria.
Curricular Aspects. …
Teaching, Learning, and Evaluation. …
Research, Innovation, and Extensions. …
Infrastructure and Learning Resources. …
Student Support and Progression. …
Governance, Leadership, and Management.
Institutional Values & Best Practices

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