Every year, hundreds of thousands of people take the prestigious UPSC/SSC Prelims and Mains examination. And, many hope to clear it in the first attempt but very succeed. But it’s not impossible to crack the exam in one go.
To achieve that milestone, it is important to have access to the latest updated syllabus and best study material for your preparation.
It is just as crucial to know the right study material. Many UPSC/SSC aspirants have no idea about books or study material they should start their preparations with. So, to excel in the toughest examination in the country, you must stay updated on the books and other study material.
I am sharing here my personal experience and it might be helpful to you in a different way.
UPSC aspirants should read NCERT books from classes 6 to 12. If you do not have much time, read books from classes 9 to 12. This way, you can strengthen your base.