Bihar Anganwadi Beneficiary Scheme has been started by Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. This scheme has been started for pregnant women and children going to Anganwadi in the state. Due to the closure of the Anganwadi center in the time of Corona epidemic, the benefit of ration facilities has not been received till the beneficiaries. In order to provide the benefits of ration facilities to all the beneficiaries registered in the Anganwadi center, it has been decided by the government that through Bihar Anganwadi Labharthi Yojana , funds will be transferred to the beneficiary’s bank account. Under which he was able to make available nutritious food for himself and his child.

To take advantage of the facilities available from the Anganwadi center to women and children.


Scheme NameBihar Anganwadi Beneficiary Scheme
scheme launchedby Bihar government
Department NameSocial Welfare Department Bihar
who will be the beneficiaryWomen and children registered in Anganwadi center
the gainreceipt of financial aid
Application ProcessOnline
official website linkicdsonline.bih.nic.in

Eligibility Criteria
To get the benefit of all the services related to the Anganwadi center, the applicant has to fulfill the eligibility and criteria given below:

  • Only those applicants of Bihar state who are registered in Anganwadi centers and who get the benefit of ration facilities are eligible for the application.
  • It is mandatory to link the beneficiary’s bank account with the Aadhar card for the application.
  • Registered beneficiary children in the age group of 6 months to 6 years are eligible to apply.
  • Lactating and pregnant women who are registered in Anganwadi centers are eligible to fill Bihar Anganwadi Beneficiary Online Form .
  • The applicant must be a native of Bihar state, only through being a native he will be able to get the benefit of all the services.

How to do Bihar Anganwadi Beneficiary Scheme Online Registration?

    To complete the process of Anganwadi Beneficiary Scheme online registration, the residents of Bihar state have to fill the application form as per the procedure given below:

    • To fill Bihar Anganwadi Beneficiary Scheme Online Application Form , applicant has to login to the official website of Social Welfare Department Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) http://www.icdsbih.gov.in/.
    • After entering the website, in the home page, in view of the infection of corona virus to the beneficiaries already registered in the Anganwadi under Bihar, the hot cooked food given through the Anganwadi and the equivalent amount in place of THR will be paid directly into the bank account. Select the option of Click here for Online Registration
    • Bihar-Anganwadi-Beneficiary-Scheme-Online-Registration
    • In the next page, the applicant has to click on the option of Click here to fill the form .
    • After this the registration form will be received in the next page. The applicant has to enter all the information given in the registration form. Like District, Project, Panchayat, Anganwadi Center etc.
    • After this, the applicant has to enter the Aadhaar number of either of the spouses. And enter your mobile number, bank account and password etc. bihar-anganwadi-beneficiary-yojana-online-application-form
    • Select the beneficiary type in the beneficiary details option and fill in the other given details correctly.
    • After entering all the information in the form, I declare to tick the option. And click in the option of Register by entering the captcha code .
    • In this way your process of filling Bihar Anganwadi Beneficiary Scheme online registration form is completed.
    • After this, the applicant has to complete the further process by entering the user ID and password received to finalize the application form.

      Some necessary documents to apply for Bihar Anganwadi Beneficiary Scheme are:

      • Domicile certificate of the beneficiary applicant
      • Aadhar card of the applicant
      • bank account details
      • voter card
      • mobile number
      • Address related documents
      • Passport size photograph of the applicant

      List of Required documents is-
      Aadhar card .
      mobile number.
      Pass port size photo.
      The applicant’s bank account should be open.
      Applicant should be resident of Bihar state.