All India Children’s Educational Audio Video Festival (AICEAVF) and ICT Mela is one of the major children’s educational audio-video programme festivals of India, organised by Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET), NCERT, Delhi.

This event is being organized to promote creative expression amongst educational media professionals, teacher educators, trainee teachers, teachers and students. Originally, it was started by CIET and State Institute of Educational Technology (SIETs) together and it has emerged as India’s major educational programme festival.

As the best audio, video, new media and ICT programmes are showcased, discussed, recognized, appreciated and awarded, such events contribute in the longer run towards enhancing quality learning of the children. This year due to COVID-19, the festival and ICT Mela will be held online. The exact dates of the festival will be announced later.

Eligibility & Categories
The Audio, Video, New Media /ICT/Digital Games programme submitted to 26th AICEAVF must be suitable for children aged between 3 and 18 years of children in any of the following age groups:

  • Foundational Level (FL): 03 – 08 years ( Pre-School and Grade I- II)
  • Preparatory Level (PL): 08-11 years (Grade III-V)
  • Middle Level (ML): 11-14 years (Grade VI-VIII)
  • Secondary Level (SL): 14 – 18 years (Grade IX- XII)

The rules and regulations to be followed in AICEAVF are:

  • Programmes made by compiling stock shots or any copyrighted graphics/images would not be eligible for competition.
  • Each programme can be entered in one category (either FL/PL/ML/SL) only, so kindly send one entry in one category only.
  • A copy of all the entries shall be retained by CIET, NCERT.
  • CIET, NCERT would have the rights to telecast/broadcast the award winning programmes and upload it on DIKSHA/OER and other websites/portals managed by NCERT.
  • A Committee of Experts will shortlist the entries from the original list of entries received.
  • All the shortlisted programmes will be judged by a common Jury (separately for the Audio, Video, New Media /ICT/Digital Games). Results declared by the Jury will be binding.
  • CIET, NCERT reserves all rights to modify the rules and dates.

Yes, the awards for various categories are:

  • The best Audio, Video, New Media /ICT/Digital Games for different categories, viz., in each of the following stages will be awarded a cash prize Rs. 40000/- along with a certificate and trophy under various categories.
  • Individual Excellence Awards: These awards will be given for excellence in any of the following talents:-Best Script, Editing, Best Voice Over, Best Camerawork, Best Set Designing, Sound recording, Animation / Graphics, Best Direction, etc. The award cash prize is Rs 5000/- along with a certificate.
  • Jury Appreciation Awards for the programmes/ individual excellence is at the discretion of the Jury.
14 days later