Based on the result of the written part of Civil Services Examination, 2021 held by the
Union Public Service Commission in January, 2022 and the interviews for Personality Test
held in April-May, 2022, UPSC has released the merit list of the selected candidates.

Selected candidates can check their name by clicking here.

  • What is the further process for the selected candidates ?
  • How much time does UPSC takes to clear waiting list ?

In notification it is mentioned that 80 candidates are provisionally selected. What does this mean ?

    I think it means that these 80 candidates selection status might be changed in the future, they are in mid of whether they are fully selected or not.

    5 months later

    UPSC 2021 Revised Result Declared

    The result of the Civil Services Examination, 2021 was declared, dated 30.05.2022, recommending 685 candidates against 749 vacancies. Further, on the receipt of requisition from Department of Personnel & Training, the Commission has released a list of 63 candidates from the Consolidated Reserve List on 10.10.2022 to fill up the remaining vacancies based on the Civil Services Examination, 2021.

    With a view to provide a useful database to other employers to enable them to identify good employable candidates, the Commission issued a Disclosure Scheme for disclosing the scores and other details of the non-recommended willing candidates, who appeared in the final stage of an Examination (Interview), through its website. Since the Reserve List of Civil Services Examination, 2021 has been released, the scores (out of 2025 marks) and other details of non-recommended 902 candidates, who have appeared in the P.T./Interview and opted for disclosure of their details under this Disclosure Scheme.